
发布 2020-01-04 05:15:28 阅读 2560


1.关心,担心be concerned about2.鲜明的对比a sharp contrast3.鼓起勇气get up courage

4.把…考虑在内take.. into consideration5.继续做continue doing/to do6.专注于…concentrate on

7.如果你方便的话if (it is) convenient (to/for you)8.正在建造中under construction9.

选读一门…课程take a course in

10. (连)在…条件下,假如on condition that11.下结论make a conclusion

12.对…做贡献make contributions to13.祝贺某人…congratulate sb. on

14.与某人取得联系get in contact with sb.15.咳得厉害h**e a bad cough = cough badly

16.有/缺乏/失去做某事的勇气h**e/ lack/lose the courage to do sth.17.

向某人抱怨/投诉…complain to sb. about/that18.以信用卡付款pay by credit card19.

以…为代价at the cost of

20.与…有关be connected with, be concerned with21.与…合作(得很好)cooperate (well) with22.

犯罪commit a crime

23.把a与b混淆confuse a with b24.使某人确信… convince sb.

of/that25.狂热于… be crazy about26.眼神交流eye contact27.

正相反on the contrary

28.两个,一对;几个a couple of

29.就…而言as/so far as...be concerned30.

被…覆盖着be covered with31.(成功地)应付…cope one's heart's content尽情地。

33.(整本书)从头到尾from cover to cover34.考虑做consider doing

35.在转弯处;即将来临around/round the corner36.(使)冷静下来cool down

37.在…的过程中in the course of38.生活费the cost of living

39.获得结论draw/reach/arrive at/come to a conclusion40.便利食品/便利店convenience food/store41.

状况良好/糟糕be in good/poor condition42.在控制下under control

considerate of sb.对某人体贴,为某人着想44.(介)与…相反contrary to

45.由…组成consist of, be composed of

46.不惜一切代价,不惜任何代价at all costs = at any cost47.意识到… be conscious of/that

48.在乡下,在农村in the country = in the countryside49.确信,对…有信心be confident of/that50.

无法控制out of control = beyond control

1.因…应受责备be to blame for

2.某事物使某人受益,某人得益于某事物sth. benefit sb.

=sb. benefit from sth.3.

破坏生态平衡upset/disturb/destroy the balance of nature4.从头到尾,自始至终from beginning to end5.对…感到厌烦be bored with

6.因…授予某人…奖award sb. sth. for = award sth. to sb. for7.不能忍受做can’t bear/stand doing

8.以…为基础be based on, on the basis of9.在…方面落后(于…)fall/be behind (…in

10.卧(病)在床be (ill) in bed11.竭尽全力做do/try one's best to do12.售票处booking office

13.某物对某人来说可得到sth. be **ailable14.信任;相信…的存在,信仰believe in15.(介)因为because of

16.由…开始begin/start with17.洗澡h**e/take a a bit一点也不。

19.最好不做had better not do

20.(充分)意识到… be (fully/well) aware of/that/wh-21.按铃ring the bell22.生于…be born in

23.牢记…bear/keep sth. in mind, bear/keep in mind that...24.人human being

25.劳逸结合keep a balance between work and play26.行为检点,守规矩beh**e oneself27.

平均on (the/an) **erage

28.正要做某事be about to do sth.29.安全带seat/safety belt30.对…有害be bad for

31.把…归咎于某人blame sb. for sth.

=blame sth. on sb.32.

布告栏notice board33.理发店the barber's34.在海滩at/on the beach

bound to do—定会;负有…义务的。

36.避免做**oid doing37.像以前一样as before

38.禁止…做ban...from doing39.肢体语言body language40.属于belong to

game (象、狮子等)大猎物 into being形成43.铺床make a/the/one's board在船(飞机、车)上。

45.举止得当/恶劣beh**e well/badly46.在某人背后,背地里behind one's back47.游泳衣bathing suit

48.生来具有…be born with49.在…之初at the beginning of50.吹唬… boast about/of/that

1.忙于…be busy with sth./be busy doing2.要求,需要callfor

3.树立信心build up one's confidence4.付现金pay in cash5.爆发break out

6.注意不要… be careful not to do...take care not to do...7.在校园内on campus

8.突然大哭/大笑burst/break into tears/laughter = burst out crying/ laughing9.实施(计划等) carryout10.

简言之in brief

11.不是…而是…not…but...12.赶上…catch up with13.撞上;碰见bump into

14.(机械等)出故障break down15.在…的底部at the bottom of16.(使)冷静下来calm down

17.袖珍计算器pocket calculator

18.给某人带来某物bring sb. sth. =bring sth. to on继续20.营业时间business hours

21.遇到(雨、交通堵塞等)becaught in22.(中间)休息h**e/take a break23.

数码相机digital camera24. …的导因the cause of

25.埋头于…,专心于…be buried in = bury oneself in26.拜访某人call on but只有;只不过28.便装casual clothes








50.再…也不为过can not/never...too...

做生意do business什么都不能做,只得…can do nothing but do = can't do anything but do因公出差on business

喘不过气来out of breath, lose one's breath从事…职业follow a...career

不仅…而且…not only...but (also)..介)要不是but for关心;介意,在乎care about

给某人买某物buy sb. sth. =buy sth.

for sb.公共汽车站bus stop号召…做call on.. to do抚养长大bring up去露营go camping

担负起…的重任bear/carry/ shoulder the burden ofin no case绝不。

从心底里,发自内心地from the bottom of one's heart不关你的事none of your business按按钮press the button消防队fire brigade喜欢,想要;照顾care for有能力做某事be capable of doing sth.


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