
发布 2020-01-03 22:09:28 阅读 3121


第一段:第一句:embarrassed feeling flooded my mind instantly when i saw this drawing.




第二句:beyond doubt, this picture explicitly pointed out that(主题词)exists as quite realistic negative power in our growing course.毫无疑问,这幅**旗帜鲜明地指出了(主题词)在我们人生成长过程中的比较现实的消极影响。

备注1:beyond doubt(毫无疑问)可替换为undoubtedly\there is no doubt that

备注2:explicitly(鲜明地)可替换为incisively and vividly(淋漓尽致地)、conspicuously(显著地)

备注3:point out(指出)可替换为illustrated、featured、portrayed、presented、depicted、described,这些单词都是表示“描述、描绘”的意思。

备注4:exists as作为。而存在,以。形式存在。

第二段:第一句:as is incisively depicted in the realistic drawing above, the appearance of(主题词)is the corresponding social problem caused by excessively rapid development of modern society(which improved the living standard of people at the same time).


备注1:explicitly(鲜明地)可替换为incisively and vividly(淋漓尽致地)、conspicuously(显著地)

备注2:as is incisively depicted in 可替换为according to what is incisively depicted in

第二句:indeed,(主题词)has become a heated topic,(however, it is contradict with the nature of people.)事实上,(主题词)已经成为社会热议话题,(不过它月我们的人性的本质是背道而驰的。

)第三句:according to recent survey conducted by chinese academy of social sciences, three-fifths of the youngsters suffer from(主题词).根据中国社科院最近发布的一项调查,五分之三的年轻人因(主题词)而受到伤害。

备注1:chinese academy of social sciences(中国社科院)可替换为其他机构。

第四句:who is to blame for the existence of (主题词)? in my opinion, the following three factors should definitely be counted in.


备注1:in my opinion可替换为from my perspective(在我看来),on my personal level(在我看来)

第五句:on the top of causes might come the drive of interests. people always prefer things that benefit them.


第六句:then comes the absence of responsibility. some self-concentrated people just focus on individual interest(regardless of the existence of social responsibilities, resulting in the appearance of 主题词).


备注1:then可替换为furthermore/moreover (除此之外)

第七句:last but not the least, the defective legal system is also one of the reasons that make the phenomenon of(主题词)exist.最后,法律系统的不完善也是导致社会上出现了一些(主题词)现象的一个原因。

第三段:第一句:given all above argument, it admits of no doubt that the negative function of (主题词)rests in both vital and trivial issues.


备注1:given all above argument可替换为from what h**e been discussed above、judging from what h**e been discussed above

备注2:it admits of no doubt that可替换为we may safely draw the conclusion that

备注3:vital and trivial 重要的和琐碎的。

第二句:therefore, we should enhance our sense of social responsibility.因而,我们要努力提高社会责任感。

第三句:at the same time, the authority should strengthen the imperfect social system.同时,**也要不断完善社会体制。

备注1:at the same time 可替换成meanwhile

第四句:with a proper law and an alert public, it will only be a matter of time before the problem of (主题词)becomes things of the past.伴随着一个恰当的法律和警觉的民众,(主题词)这个问题迟早可以被解决。


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