
发布 2020-01-03 10:06:28 阅读 6716

1、are there any bridges in your village? -你们村子里有桥吗?

yes, there are. /no, there aren’t. -有。/ 没有。

2、are these / those / they cucumbers? -这些 / 那些是黄瓜吗?

yes, they are. /no, they aren’t. -是的。/ 不是的。

1、can i wear my new shirt today? -我今天可以穿新衬衫吗?

yes, you can. /no, you can’t. -可以。/ 不可以。

2、can you wash your clothes? -你会洗衣服吗?

yes, i can. /no, i can’t. -会。/ 不会。

1、did you read books yesterday? -你昨天读书了吗?

yes, i did. /no, i didn’t. -读了。/ 没读。

2、do you like peaches? -你喜欢吃桃子吗?

yes, i do. /no, i don’t. -喜欢。/ 不喜欢。

3、does she teach english? -她教英语吗?

no, she doesn’t. she teaches math. -不,她教数学。

4、does your pen pal live in shanghai? -你的笔友住在上海吗?

no, he doesn’t. he lives in beijing. -不,他住在北京。

1、how are you, sarah? you look so happy. -你好吗?莎拉?你看起来这么伤心。

i failed the math test. -我的数学考试没有通过。

2、how can i get to zhongshan park? -我怎么到中山公园去?

you can go by the no.15 bus. -你可以乘坐15路公汽。

go straight for five minutes. then turn left. it’s on the left.


3、how did you go there? -你怎么去的?

i went by train. -我坐火车去的。

4、how do you feel? -你感觉如何?

i feel sick. -我觉得不舒服。

5、how do you go to school? -你怎么上学?

usually i go to school on foot. sometimes i go by bike. -我通常步行上学。有时候骑自行车。

6、how does chen jie feel? -陈洁感觉如何?

she’s tired. -她很疲倦。

7、how he**y are you? -你有多重?

i’m 48 kg. you’re he**ier than me. -我有48公斤。你比我重。

8、how long. -有多长?

9、how many crayons do you h**e? -你有多少支彩笔?

i h**e 16. -我有十六支。

10、how many kites can you see? -你可以看见几只风筝?

i can see 12. -我可以看见十二只风筝。

11、how many people are there in your family? -你家有几口人?

three. -三人。

12、how much are these apples? -这些苹果多少钱?

they’re thirty-five yuan. -三十五元。

13、how much is this dress? -这条连衣裙多少钱?

it’s ninety-nine yuan. -九十九元。

14、how old are you? -你几岁了?

i’m 12. -我十二岁。

15、how old is he/she? -他/她几岁了?

he/she is 23. -他/她23岁。

16、how tall are you? -你有多高?

i’m 160 cm tall. i’m taller than you. -我有160公分。我比你高。

1、is there a river in the park? -公园里有一条小河吗?

yes, there is. /no, there isn’t. -有。/ 没有。

2、is this your bedroom? -这是你的卧室吗?

yes, it is. -是的。

3、is this your skirt? -这是你的短裙吗?

yes, it is. /no, it isn’t. -是的。/ 不是。

4、is your english teacher young? -你的英语老师年轻吗?

yes, she is. /no, she isn’t. -是的。/不,她不年轻。

5、is your sister in the living room? -你姐姐在客厅吗?

no, she isn’t. /yes, she is. -不在。/ 在。

1、what about you? /how about you? -你呢?

i like the white sweater with the green skirt. -我喜欢这件白毛衣配这条绿短裙。

2、what are the elephants doing? -那些大象在干什么?

they’re drinking. -它们正在喝水。

3、what are you doing? -你在做什么?

i’m doing the dishes. -我在洗盘子。

4、what are you going to buy? -你打算买点儿什么?

i’m going to buy a comic book. -我准备买本漫画书。

5、what are you going to do? -你准备做什么?

i’m going to the cinema. -我准备去看电影。

6、what can you do? -你会做什么?

i’m helpful. can sweep the floor and do the dishes. -我很能干。我会扫地、洗盘子。

7、what colour are they? -它们是什么颜色的?

they’re green. -绿色的。

8、what colour is it? -它是什么颜色的?

it’s yellow and white. -黄白相间。

9、what day is it today? -今天星期几?

it’s monday. -星期一。

10、what did you do there? -你在那儿做了些什么?

i went shopping. -我去购物了。

11、what do we h**e on mondays? -我们星期一上哪些课?

we h**e chinese, english, math ….语文、英语、数学……

12、what do you do on saturdays / on the weekends? -你星期六 / 周末一般做什么?

i usually do my homework. sometimes i play football. –我通常做作,有时候踢足球。

13、what does you mother / father do? -你的母亲 / 父亲是做什么的?

she’s a tv reporter. /he’s a teacher. he teaches english. -她是一名电视台记者。/他是一名教师。他教英语。

14、what time is it now? -现在几点钟?

it’s nine o’clock. it’s time for english class. -九点。该上英语课了。

it’s eight o’clock. it’s time to go to bed. -八点。该**睡觉了。

15、what would you like for breakfast / lunch / dinner ? 你早餐/中餐/晚餐想吃点什么?

i’d like some bread and milk / rice and soup. -我想吃面包和牛奶/米饭和汤。

16、what’s for breakfast / lunch / dinner? -早餐/中餐/晚餐吃什么?

hamburgers and orange juice. -汉堡包和橙汁。

17、what’s her name? -她的名字是什么?

her name is chen jie. -她的名字是陈婕。

18、what’s his hobby? -他的爱好是什么?

he likes riding a bike. -他喜欢骑自行车。

19、what’s his name? -他的名字是什么?

his name is mike. -他的名字是麦克。

20、what’s in the classroom? -教室里有什么?

a board, six lights, three fans, many desks and chairs. -一块黑板、六盏灯、三把电扇和许多桌椅。

21、what’s she like? -她长什么样儿?


编者按 pep小学英语主要句型汇总。i 询问姓名 年龄 name,how old 1.what s your name?你叫什么名字?my name is我叫 2.what s his name?他的名字是什么?his name is mike.他的名字是麦克。3.what s her name?她...


i询问姓名 年龄。复习代词 1,what s your name?你叫什么名字?my name is我叫 2,how old are you?你几岁了?what s your age?i m 12.我十二岁。ii询问颜色。复习颜色类词,颜色与心情的关系等 1,what colour is it?它是...

pep小学英语主要句型分类复习指导 1

good morning.早上好!good afternoon 下午好!nice to meet you 见到你很高兴。nice to meet you,too 见到你也很高兴!let s go to school 让我们一起去上学!how are you 你好吗?fine,thank you我很好...