
发布 2020-01-03 09:17:28 阅读 5224


短语句型:首先first of all/ to begin with

起初at first

第一次for the first time

某人第一次做某事时the first time +句子。

在开始的时候_in the beginning/

at the beginning of …

同时meanwhile/ at the same time

过了一会after a while

从那时起since then/ from then on

直到现在up to now

不久以后before long

之后不久it’s not long before...

随着时间的流逝as time goes by

就我而言as far as i am concerned

众所周知as we all know/as is known to all

正如这种情况 as is the case

另外,此外besides/ what’s more/ moreover

更糟/严重的是what’s worse/more serious

更重要的是what’s more important is that…

结果as a result/ therefore

我想 it occurs/ occurred to me that…

也就是说that’s to say/ in other words

说实话to be frank/ to tell the truth

就象…just like …

就是因为…just because

不只是因为…not just because

或多或少more or less

迟早sooner or later

为……树立榜样set a good example to …

代表某人represent (v.) sb/ on behalf of sb(介短)

一方面…另一方面for one thing…for another

相反的on the contrary/ instead

总之in conclusion/ in short/ in brief

最后但同等重要last but not least

比如for example/ take … for example

如下as follows/ in the following ways/ such as…

想当然地认为take it for granted that…

位于…be located in…

占地……cover an area of…

有…年历史own/h**e a history of…years

有…人口h**e a population of+数字。

涉及…年历史cover a long period of…years

享有…的美誉enjoy the reputation of…

考取…大学be admitted to…university

读大学时主修when at college, he majored in…

出国深造go abroad for further studies

他是…的骄傲he is the pride of …

被授予/被认为是…be honored/considered as

对…有耐心/严格 be patient/ strick with

给我很大鼓励give me great encouragement

寄予很大的期望show great expectation for

下决心做某事be determined to do …

过着幸福/艰苦的生活live a happy/ hard life

在…上取得快速进步make rapid progress

他有很强的意志力he is a strong-willed man./ he is a man with strong will.

根据我个人经验according to my personal experience

与…息息相关be closely related to

在这信息时代in the age of information and communication

鉴于社会实际的需要in the view of the practical need of society

对…有益do good to/ be beneficial to/ benefit sb

事实上in fact/ as a matter of fact

我们有理由相信we h**e reasons to believe that…

然而,很可惜的是however, it’s a pity that

给…带来方便bring convenience to

正如图表所示as can be seen from the table/according to the figures given by the graph

1 有两个原因可以解释这种现象there are two reasons that account for this phenomenon.

2 许多因素可以引起这种变化。a number of factors could result in the change.

3 从图表的变化来看,我们可以预计from the changes in the charts, we can predict that…

4 当前,不断增加的交通事故已引起人们的广泛关注。

currently, there is a widespread concern over increasing traffic accidents.

5 现在越来越多的人正在逐渐意识到…now people in growing numbers are coming to realize that…

6 如上所述,我们不难得出结论from what has been mentioned above, we may safely draw the conclusion that…

7 它让我很清楚地意识到it has made me well aware that…

8 我应该肩负起…的责任i am supposed to shoulder the responsibility for…

9 此外,我们不应忽视…besides, we shouldn’t neglect that…

10 不用说it goes without saying that…

11 不可否认这个事实there’s not denying the fact that…

12 我深信i am greatly convinced that13 在各种…之中of all the …

14 在我求学的过程中我忘不了in the course of my schooling, i will never forget…

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缺点 不仅消耗大量电能,留下残余物,如果控制不好,还会产生有毒物质,造成二次污染。22 光的传播速度是每秒钟30万千米,光年就是光在一年中所走过的距离,它是用来计量恒星间距离的单位。3 除了我们日常生活产生的家庭垃圾外,工厂 学校 医院 建筑工地等每天也在产生大量的垃圾。21 人们发现银河系以外还有...

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写作训练基本短语及句子。短语句型 首先first of all to begin with 起初at first 第一次for the first time 某人第一次做某事时the first time 句子。在开始的时候 in the beginning at the beginning of ...

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1 首先。2 起初第一次。3 某人第一次做某事时。4 在开始的时候。5 同时。6 过了一会。7 从那时起。8 直到现在。9 不久以后。10 之后不久。11 随着时间的流逝。12 就我而言。13 众所周知。14 正如这样的情况。15 另外,此外。16 更糟 严重的是。17 更重要的是。18 结果。19...