
发布 2020-01-03 08:09:28 阅读 1501

很多高三都想在英语考试作文拿到高分,英语写作有些句子是万能通用的,大家知道么? 以下是整理英语写作万能句子归纳,希望可以分享高三的学子们进行参考和借鉴。


far as···is concerned 就···而言 goes without saying that 不言而喻 can be said with certainty that···可以肯定地说···the proverb says 正如谚语所说的 has to be noticed that 必须注意到 's generally recognized that 普遍认为 's likely that 可能是因为 's hardly that ··是很难的 's far more important is that 更重要的是 calls for special attention is that 需要特别注意的是。


case in point is 一个典型的例子是 is often the case 通常情况下 we h**e to look at the other side of the coin, that is 然而我们还得看到事物的另一方面,也就是 … the problem is not so ******. therefore 然而问题并非如此简单,所以···it's a pity that 但遗憾的是···all that 对于这一切···has been mentioned above 正如上面所提到的 , the difficulty lies in 然而,困难在于···we should pay attention to 同样,我们要注意···不是···而是···


my point of view, it would be better if 在我看来···也许更好 is hoped that we should place much emphasis on/pay more attention to 我们应该多注意···in this way, can we···只有这样做,我们才能···problem is not···the problem is···问题不在于···而在于···long as···we will be able to···the problems is bound to···只要···我们就能···这个问题注定会···the above evidence/experience/ facts goes to show that 所有的一切都证明了···


高三学生已经全面进入备考阶段,英语作文可以说是英语复习的一个重。点,为了使英语作文写的更精彩,积累一些万能句子是非常有必要的。小编。整理了 高考英语作文万能句子英语作文万能套用句型 供大家参考!1 高考英语作文万能句子 开头句型 就 而言。不言而喻,可以肯定地说。正如谚语所说的,它必须注意到,它普遍...


以下是表达观点 论证时使用的常用句型,尤其适用于英语写作,但对于口语 表述自己的观点等也都非常好用!小伙伴们快来get吧!1阐述观点或进行论证。1 就我所知 as far as i know,to my knowledge 2 在我看来 from my point of view,in my vie...


1.主语 will won t v.原。they will study at home on computers.他们将在家用电脑学习。2.there be 句型。there are lots of rules in our school.我们学校有许多规则。3.there will be 句型。t...