
发布 2020-01-03 02:37:28 阅读 6216

i was about to + verb)我正准备做某事。然后)whenstating'iwasaboutto','iamaboutto'butthedifferenceis that you will not do it any longer. since you will not do itany longer, it becomes a past event.

that is why we use 'was'instead of 'am'

当你说'i was about to',你告诉某人你要做某事,但另一件事情阻止你这样做。它类似于'i am about to',但不同的是,你不会再做这件事了。既然你不再这样做,那就成为一个过去的行为。

这就是为什么我们使用'was'而不是'am'的原因。here are some examples:举例:

i was about to go out.我正准备出去。

i was about to go to dinner.我正准备去吃晚餐。i was about to go to bed.

我正准备睡觉。i was about to go to work.我正准备去上班。

i was about to send you an email.我正准备发邮件给你。i didn't mean to + verb)我不是故意做某事。

the word 'didn't' is a contraction of the words 'did not'.when using it in a sentence with the words 'mean to' you . this could h**e been a physical, mental or verbal action.


here are some examples:举例:

i didn't mean to hurt your feelings.我不是故意让你伤心的。

i didn't mean to call you so late.我不是故意这么晚打你**的。

i didn't mean to embarrass you.我不是故意让你难堪的。i didn't mean to stay out so late.


i did not mean to say those things.我不是故意说那些话的。

i don't h**e time to + verb)我没有时间做某事。theword'don't'isacontractionofthewords'donot.'whenadding'h**etimeto'youaresimplystatingthatyouh**eotherobligations and all other things considered must wait.

“don't”是“donot”的缩写。当加上“h**etime”说明你有其他事情要做,所有其他考虑的事情都要等待。here are some examples:

举例:i don't h**e time to explain.我没时间解释。i don't h**e time to eat.我没时间吃饭。

i don't h**e time to exercise.我没有时间去锻炼。

i don't h**e time to watch my f**orite tv show.我没时间看我最喜欢的电视节目。

i don't h**e time to talk.我没时间去谈话。【日常英语对话固定句式】固定句式:i'm in/at/on...

most commonly, you would use the word 'in' when entering aphysical location such as a room or a building.通常,在你进入一个地点(如房间或建筑物)时,我们可以使用“in”这个词。

here are some examples:举例:

i'm in the shower.我在(淋浴间)洗澡。i'm in the lobby.

我在大厅里。i'm in a car.我在车里。

i'm in a house.我在屋里。

i'm in a school.我在一所学校。

using the word 'at' helps tell someone where you currentlyare. the difference between 'at' and 'in' is that the physicallocation is general.

at'用于告诉别人你现在在**。'at'和'in'之间的区别在于'at'表示某一点位置,'in'表示空间或范围。here are some examples:举例:

i'm at the grocery.我在杂货店。i'm at the mall.我在商场。

i'm at the doctor's office.我在医生办公室。i'm at the park.我在公园。

i'm at the airport.我在机场。


然而,某些情况'at'和'in'可以互换,here are some examples:举例:

i'm at the mall.

i'm in the mall.我在商场。i'm at the park.

i'm in the park.我在公园。i'm at the grocery.

i'm in the grocery.我在杂货店。

usingtheword'on'isreferringtoanonphysicallocationsuch as your time being utilized by something else.

on”表示的是非物理位置,例如你的时间被别的事情所占用。here are some examples:举例:

i'm on the phone.我在打**。i'm on my computer.我在电脑旁。i'm on a bus.我在公车上。


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