
发布 2020-01-03 02:04:28 阅读 5482


1. 一……就……

as soon as

the moment,the minute,immediately,the instant,instantly

2. 尽可能。

as … as possible

as…as you can


be glad to do sth.

be pleased to do sth.

be happy to do sth.

be delighted to do sth.

h**e pleasure to do sth.


get ready for sth.

get sth. ready

be ready for sth.

be ready to do sth.

prepare for sth.

prepare oneself for sth.

prepare to do sth.

prepare sth. for sb.

be prepared for sth.

5. “邀请”与“请求”

would you like to do sth.?

would you like sth.?

would you please do…?

(回答:i’d love to .)


it is no use (in)doing sth.

there is no use doing sth.

it is useless to do sth.

it is no good (in) doing sth.

7. 如此表示“结果”

so …that…

enough to do sth.

too … to…

8. 八“花费”

sb. spends some time/money on sth

sb. spends some time/money (in) doing sth.

sb. pays some money for sth.

sb. buy sth. for some money.

(sb sells sth. for some money.)

sth. costs sb. some time/money

it costs sb. some money/time to do sth.

it takes sb. some time/money to do sth.

it takes some time/money for sb. to do sth.

9. 五“为了”

so that引导目的状语从句)

in order that引导目的状语从句)

so as to do sth. (引导目的状语,只位于句尾)

in order to do sth. (引导目的状语,可首可尾)

to do sth引导目的状语,可首可尾)

10. 三“以至于不”


so ……that…not…..

not…enough to…

11. 两“习惯”

be used to doing sth.

be accustomed to doing sth.

12. 三个表示建议的表达。

what about sth./doing sth.?

how about sth./doing sth.?

why not do sth.?

13. 四“出什么毛病了”

what’s the matter with…?

what’s wrong with…?

what’s the trouble with…?

what happens to…?

14. 两“为什么不”

why not do sth.?

why don’t you do sth?

15. 三“不但……而且……”

not only…but also

not only…but…

not only…but …as well


stop sb. from doing

keep sb. from doing

prevent sb. from doing

discourage sb. from doing sth.

dissuade sb. from doing sth.

17. 四“相处”

get on with sb.

get on well with sb.

get along with sb.

get along well with sb.

mix with sb.

mix well with sb.

18. 五“因为”

thanks to

due to

because of

as a result of

owing to


it’s + adj. (for/of sb. )to do sth. (形式主语)

find/think/feel it + adj. +to do sth. (形式宾语)

20. stress 句型汇总。

be stressed out

be under a lot of stress

take\stand the stress 忍受压力。

put stress on sth. 强调。

21. 两“弥补”

make up for

compensate for

22. 五个“在…看来”

in one’s opinion,to one’s mind

in one’s view

in one’s eye

according to sb.

23. 三“丢”

be lost

be missing

be gone

24. 八“著名”

be famous for sth.

be famous to sb.

be famous as + 职位。

be famous to sb. as+ 职位。

be known for sth.

be known to sb.

be known as+ 职位。

be known to sb. as+ 职位。

25. 四“满意”

be satisfied with

be pleased with

be happy with

be delighted with

26. 四“为……而高兴”

be pleased for sb

be happy for sb.

be glad for sb.

be delighted for sth.

27. 两“祝贺”

congratulate sb. on sth.

congratulations to sb. on sth.

28. 两“道歉”

apologize to sb. for sth.

make an apology to sb. for sth.

29. 三“玩得高兴”

h**e a good time

h**e fun (doing sth.)

enjoy oneself

30. 九“决定”

decide to do sth.

make a decision to do sth.

determine to do sth.

be determined to do sth.

make a determination to do sth

resolve to do sth.

make a resolution to do sth.

make up one’s mind to do sth.

set one’s mind to do sth.

31. 四“使役”

make sb. do sth.

let sb. do sth.

h**e sb. do sth.

get sb. to do sth.

set sb. to do sth.

32. to表示 “的”

the key to the door

the key/answer to the question

the solution to a problem

the way to sp.

the entrance to sp.

be on a visit to sp.

pay a visit to sp.

a trip to sp.

a ticket to sp. (a ticket for + 比赛名称)

33. 四“花了”

pay some money for sth.

spend some money on sth.

buy sth. for some money.

cost sb. some money

34. “怎么样”怎么样表达?

what do you think of sth.?

how do you like sth.?

what’s your view on sth.?

how do you feel sth.?

what’s your opinion about sth?

35. 对……的态度:

be kind to sb.

be nice to sb.

be friendly to sb.

be amiable to sb.

be polite to sb.

be respectful to sb.

be impolite to sb.

be rude to sb.

be mean to sb.

be patient with sb.

be impatient with sb.


1行为恶劣用卑劣品质低下用卑鄙 2伤心痛苦用悲痛极度悲哀用悲恸。3意志不坚用薄弱感情不强用脆弱 4言行荒唐用放诞行为放纵用 5进行改动用窜改恶意改动用篡改 6法律制度用法制依法治理用法治。7默默无言用默然不放在心用漠然 8双方连通用沟通暗中勾结用勾通。9改换形象用化装梳妆打扮用化妆 10骄傲自满用骄...

百组同义词 打印

百组常用同义词。1 rooted in derived from based on基于。2 over time in due course sooner or later 最终,迟早。3 scant limited scarce 缺乏的,不足的。4 thwart prevent spoil ruin...


同义词。意义相同或相近的一组词。意义相同的叫等义词,意义相近的叫近义词。一 等义词。概念义 附属义完全相同,在任何语境中都能够替换,也叫绝对同义词,如 单车 自行车青霉素 盘尼西林电机 马达六弦琴 吉他立刻 马上 概念义相同,附属义有一些细微的差别 西红柿 番茄母音 元音剪刀 剪子玉米 包谷 棒子公...