
发布 2020-01-03 01:27:28 阅读 4491

tell? talk? say? speak

tell 告诉,讲述? 可接双宾语。

talk 交谈有talk with/to

say 说强调说的内容,有say to sb

speak 说某种语言? 其直接宾语为语言,若要对某人或物说,则用speak to

1 can you __me the truth?

2 what language do you __

3 this is what they __yesterday.

4 don’t __in class,please be quiet.

look? look at? see? watch

look 看起来(系动词,接形容词作表语)

look at 朝…看? 强调看的方向。

see 看见? 强调看到的结果。

watch **? 尤其指看电视,看球赛等。

1 the coat __nice, i want to buy one for my daughter.

2 please __the blackboard, can you __anything?

3 she doesn’t like __tv,but she likes __football game.

sound? listen to? hear

sound 听起来? (系动词,接形容词作表语)

listen to 听? 强调听的动作与方向。

hear 听见? 强调听的结果。

1 __the radio, it says the flood is coming soon.

2 i can’t __you , because there’s something wrong with my ears.

3 what you said __interesting.

hear from???hear of

hear from 收到…的来信。

hear of? 听说…的消息。

1 after __her sister, she read and soon wrote back.

2 h**e you __the place called shenglong?


receive 收到强调收的动作。

accept 接受,收下? 强调收的结果。

he __a present yesterday, but he didn’t __it, because it was too much expensive and he sent it back.

look up?? look for? find?? find out

look up 查词典、书、**簿等,代词放中间。

look for 寻找? 强调找的动作。

find 找到? 强调结果。

find out 发现结果? 是指经过调查、研究、分析或判断等努力而发现的结论。

1 he often takes a dictionary and __the new words in it?

2 the little girl __her pen everywhere but didn’t __it at last.

3 look! rita is crying over there. let’s go and __why is she crying.

keep? borrow? lend

keep 借是一个延续性动词。

borrow 借(进) 强调从别人那里借来,有borrow… from

lend 借(出)强调将东西借给别人,有 lend …to

1 – my bike is broken, can i __yours ,lily?

oh, sorry, i’ve __it to sandy.

2 –how long may i __this book?

for about two weeks.

reach? arrive? get

reach 到达,够得着? 是个及物动词。

arrive 到达不及物动词,有arrive in/ at

get 到达不及物动词, 有get to

1 they will __in chengdu next week.

2 how do you __to school every day?

3 use a longer stick, then you can __the apples.

thanks to?? thanks for

thank to 幸亏,由于。

thanks for 因…谢谢。

1 __your help, i’ve understand it.

2 __the cats, mice dare not come and eat my food.

give in???give up

give in 投降。

give up 放弃代词放中间,后面可接动词-ing分词。

1 we shouldn’t __learning english!

2 i would rather die than __before my enemies.

achieve?? come true

achieve 实现(理想、愿望、预言等) 及物动词,主语一般为人。

come true 实现? 不及物动词组? 一般由物(理想、愿望、预言等)作主语。

1 he works so hard that he is sure to___his dream.

2 his prediction of human’s flying to the moon __

turn off?? close???turn on?? open

turn off 关(电器)

close 关(门、窗、书等)

turn on 开(电器)

open 开(门、窗、书等)

1 __the windows please, it’s so cold outside.

2 __the lights before you le**e the room.

3 the dog __the box and took the bone out!

4 __the tv, i want to watch the nba basketball games.

break off?? break out???break into?? break down

break off 中断关系,突然终止。

break out 指战争爆发。

break into 非法进入或闯入。

break down 坏掉,(车、船等)抛锚,中途不工作。

1 he was late for school yesterday, because his car __on the half way.

2 the world warⅱ _when she was only five.

3 they __their friendship and didn’t talk to each other any more.

4 last night a thief __my house and took away my tv.

solve reply? answer

solve 解决(问题)及物动词? 常与problem 连用。

reply 回复,答复不及物动词? 常与to连用。

answer 回答? 及物动词? 常与question 连用。

1 what did mr smith __to what others said?

2 no one in our class can __this question.

3 it’s too difficult for everyone to __that problem.


hope 希望指较为现实的想法常有hope to do 或hope + 从句,但没有hope sb to do

wish 希望指不太现实的要求或想法有wish to do 或 wish sb to do。也有wish+从句,但这时的从句多用虚拟语气,及从句中常有could 或 should等。

1 – the weather may be fine tomorrow.

i __so.

2 mum __me to be a doctor in the future.

3 how i __i could fly to the moon!

take? cost? spend? pay

take 花费尤指花费时间,主语为物? 常有it takes sb some time to do sth

cost 花费指花金钱 ,主语为物?常有cost sb some money

spend 花费? 主语为人常有spend… doing 或spend…on sth

pay 花费? 主语为人? 常有pay…for

1 it often __about 3 hours to get to school from my home.

2 – who will __for the bill?

maybe our boss.

3 the house __him 30,000 dollars.

4 his cousin __the whole day ****** the toy car yesterday.

take part in???join

take part in 参加某项活动。

join 参加某个组织、团体、俱乐部、军队、党团或个人。

1 mr wang __the party 5 years ago.

2 they invited lily __that party.


同义词辨析。1 accomplish,fulfil l finish,complete accomplish 强调完成任务的过程 fulfil l 强调圆满地实现目标 finish 指结束某件事 complete 指通过努力使未完成的任务等圆满结束。2 accumulate,collect,gath...


1 compose,comprise,consist,constitute这些动词均含 组成,构成 之意。compose正式用词,多用被动态。指将两个或两个以上的人或物放到一起形成一个整体。comprise正式用词,指整体是由几个独立的部分所组成。consistof连用,指一个整体由几个部分组成,或...


作者 魏鹰。中国校外教育 理论 2009年第16期。摘要 在英语学习中,英语同义词较难以掌握。英语同义词词语的搭配和分布有着地域 语义 感情和语气色彩的差异和区别。正确掌握同义词有助于避免用词的重复,使文章生动并能含蓄 委婉地表达人们的事想感情,有助于提高学生英语语言的运用能力。关键词 英语同义词丰...