
发布 2019-12-28 20:29:28 阅读 3907

but one day, after we got home from the kindergarten, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. i didn't know what had happened. i sat beside her and wanted to cry.

my mother said to me, it doesn't matter, mum has only a stomachache. i will be all right after a while. although mother said so, i found tears in her eyes because of pain.

at that time i knew adults also got ill and cried. i decided i would take care of my mother from then on.



没关系,妈妈只是胃疼,一会就会好。 虽然妈妈这么说,但我发现了她疼得眼中含着眼泪。那个时候我才知道大人也会生病,也会哭的。


like many children, i had a happy childhood under the care and love of my parents. my mother took me to the kindergarten and home every day. i thought mother was so kind and healthy that she would never get sick.

but one day, my father went to the kindergarten to get me back. i asked, why doesn't my mother come? she is sick, and she is in hospital.

said father. i felt sad and frightened. then i began to cry.

don't cry or mother would worry. you should be a good child. i seemed to understand my mother was too tired.

i made up my mind i would look after my mother from then on.


但是一天,是爸爸来幼儿园接我的。我问: 为什么妈妈没采?

她病了,在医院里。 爸爸说。我感到难过和害怕,开始哭了。

别哭,否则妈妈会担心的。你应该做一个乖孩子。 我似乎懂得妈妈是太累了。



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