
发布 2019-12-28 14:19:28 阅读 1091



on the language lesson today, just as we were doing reading volume, some students are in the "look in all directions. to this, the teacher in the classroom, specially how to do a responsible person, and how to strengthen the moral cultivation, after i listened to was education.

i know a person is born, is accompanied by a variety of responsibility. at home, are responsible for this home; in the school, are responsible for the class; in society, are responsible for society. a man without sense of responsibility, will all of what they do not consider the consequences, would be too much to relax.

do not assume responsibility, also won't h**e the right, the future is hard to stand in the society. so, i think a man without sense of responsibility, it is shameful.

a person also should h**e the tutelage to speak. culture is a reflection of individual moral character, it is reflected in people's words and deeds. but some students in our class, always like to do some unpleasant things.

next class, for example, no one noticed him, he was shouting, want through this way to let others pay attention to him, in fact, this is a sign of no accomplishment. this will only diminish their status in the eyes of others. a has the tutelage, is low-key, in our daily life that has grade, talk is healthy, the gallery, and they h**e no china only friendly and funny.

a cultured person, always can get respect from others.

so, we want to know their responsibilities, strengthen their moral accomplishment. "young wisdom, wisdom, strong young strong countries." we are the builders of the motherland in the future, not only to learn scientific and cultural knowledge, but also has the good moral cultivation, only h**ing both ability and political integrity, in order to make a greater contribution to society.








i am a drop of water, life in the ocean of blue, you don't look down upon me is a drop of water, the ocean is made up of our. i am just a drop of water, but i also h**e shoulder the responsibility, the responsibility for me is noble, because it is a symbol of your perseverance, your ability and you h**e a heart of how.

today's weather is very hot, i've got up by strong sunlight. after the wind uncle that i'm running to hungry, so i started doing his duty.

when the ray of sunshine on my body, i sleep in a bed of white, soft, very comfortable. i learned from the wind uncle there, a cloud of knowledge. i know, i am on duty now, my responsibility is condensed into water, the earth the next rain.

"drain...well." i joyfully pouncing on the earth, and, i want to machine that dry land again.

for the dull surprised vibrant, for that blocks the flow of the water cool and handsome hair!

i went to the living quarters, i know it is need to me. i entered the water pipes, moves forward with the current, entered every household. i will start to perform the duties of the divine.

i want to do my strength, for humans, make contributions to the world.

the existence of responsibility, is left to the world of a test, pass the test, a lot of people, the flight. under a lot of people, with the thorns. guaranty person as time gone, there is no left a mark in the world.

inherit the person will die, but they are still alive, dead also is still alive, spirit and responsibility to make them immortal.

wish all of us the responsibility to carry on the way of life, let life emits light, gold light!









我现在已是六年级的学生了,属于小学中的最后阶段。为了能让我们受到适合自己的教育,学校把英语和数学以不同难度分成了不同的三个班级 拓展班 培优班 加强班。为了能让自己走班发挥其作用,我对自己的学习进行了仔细的评估 数学,不是我的强项 而拓展班要求学生要有很强的兴趣和积淀,较好的数学思维。而自己似乎还没...


我的第一次选择。在生活 学习中,当我们面对一个具体问题时,往往要在多种解决方案中进行取舍。每当这时,我做出的决定都是当机立断。可是有一次,一件事情令我犹豫不决,难以下定夺。那是一个星期六的早上,我和我的好朋友王雨洁要去书店买书,这是我们早已约定好的了。可正当我要出门时,却接到了一个 喂,谁呀?喂,芯...