
发布 2019-12-28 11:07:28 阅读 8227

topic 1: ceremonial speech


常用套句。礼仪祝词口译(ceremonial speech)


开幕/闭幕式 opening/closing ceremony

开幕词 opening speech/address

致开幕词 make an opening speech

友好访问 goodwill visit

阁下 your/his/her honor/excellency

贵宾 distinguished guest

尊敬的市长先生 respected mr. mayor

远道而来/来自大洋彼岸的朋友 friends coming from a distant land/the other side of the pacific

东道国 host country

宣布……开幕 declare……open

值此之际 on the occasion of

借此机会 take this opportunity to

以……名义 in the name of

本着……精神 in the spirit of

代表 on the behalf of

由衷的谢意 heartfelt thanks

友好款待 gracious hospitality

正式邀请 official invitation

回顾过去 look back on

展望未来 look ahead/look into the future

最后 in closing

圆满成功 a complete success

提议祝酒 propose a toast

to express regret 表示遗憾。

to proceed to take up one's post 赴任。

to assume one's post 就任。

to make representations to, to take up a (the) matter with 向…交涉。

to lodge a protest with 向…提出**。

to request the consent of...征求…的同意。

tea party 茶会。

an atmosphere of cordiality and friendship 诚挚友好的气氛。

reciprocal banquet 答谢宴会。

delegation 代表团。

head of the delegation, leader of the delegation 团长。

deputy head of the delegation, deputy leader of the delegation 副团长。

member of the delegation 代表团成员。

memorial speech 悼词。

to develop the relations of friendship and cooperation 发展友好合作关系。

prosperity and strength 繁荣富强。

friendly visit, goodwill visit 友好访问。

questions of common interest; question of common concern 共同关心的问题。

state banquet 国宴。

message of greeting, message of congratulation 贺电。

speech of welcome 欢迎词。

welcoming banquet 欢迎宴会。

cocktail party 鸡尾酒会。

good health and a long life 健康长寿。

profound condolence 深切哀悼。

cordial hospitality 盛情接待。

the two sides, the two parties 双方。

luncheon 午宴。

reception 招待会。

toast 祝酒词。

to convey one's sympathy 表示慰问。

to meet with 会见。

to review the guard of honour 检阅仪仗队。

to exchange views 交换意见。

to receive 接见。

to be shocked to learn of 惊悉。

be of the opinion, to hold, to consider, to maintain 认为。

to propose a toast to...提议为…干杯。

on the happy occasion of 欣逢。

on learning with great joy 欣悉。

to give a banquet in honour of...宴请…

on invitation, upon invitation 应邀。

at the invitation of...应…邀请。

in the company of...accompanied by...在…陪同下。

to express one's sincere congratulations and best wishes 致以衷心的祝贺和最好的愿望。

to wish prosperity to a country and well-being to its people 祝(某国)国家繁荣人民幸福。

to take note of...注意到。

his (her, your) majesty 陛下。

his (her, your) royal highness 殿下。

his (her, your) excellency 阁下。

his excellency mr. president and mme...**先生阁下和夫人。

assembly 大会。

convention 会议。

party 晚会, 社交性宴会。

at-home party 家庭宴会。

tea party 茶会。

dinner party 晚餐会。

garden party 游园会。

dance(party), ball, fandango 舞会。

reading party 读书会。

fishing party 钓鱼会。

sketching party 观剧会。

christmas party 圣诞晚会。

luncheon party 午餐会。

fancy ball 化妆舞会。

commemorative party 纪念宴会。

wedding dinner, a wedding reception 结婚宴会。

banquet 酒宴。

buffet party 立食宴会。

cocktail party 鸡尾酒会。

welcome meeting 欢迎会。

farewell party 惜别会。

pink tea 公式茶会。

new year’s banquet 新年会。

year-end dinner party 忘年餐会。

box supper 慈善餐会。

fancy fair 义卖场。

general meeting, general assembly 会员大会。

congress 代表大会。

board of directors 董事会。

executive council, executive board 执行委员会。

standing body 常设机构。

committee, commission 委员会。

subcommittee 附属委员会,小组委员会。

general committee, general officers, general bureau 总务委员会。

secretariat 秘书处。

budget committee 预算委员会。

drafting committee 起草委员会。

committee of experts 专家委员会。

advisory committee, consultative committee 顾问委员会,咨询委员会。

symposium 讨论会。

study group 学习研讨会。

seminar 讲习会,学习讨论会。

meeting in camera 秘密会议 (美作:executive session)


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