
发布 2019-12-28 10:23:28 阅读 3814

please turn down the volume of the radio.把那个收音机音量调小。

you don’t need to shout,because i am right next to you我就在你旁边,你不用喊。

your service has been really appalling你们的服务态度很差。

they failed to go outing because of the weather由于天气关系他们未能出去郊游。

i terribly sorry,i spilled water all over the table非常抱歉,我把水撒的整张桌子都是are you pulling my leg?你在开我玩笑嘛?

the roar of the airplane is annoying飞机的呼啸声很烦人。

i h**e to prod edward into paying me what he owes我得提醒爱德华把他借我的钱还给我。

even our most carefully laid plan would backfire on us甚至连我们最谨慎制定的计划也可能适得其反soda beverages forth when they are poured out倒出苏打饮料时,往往会起泡沫if i tell her the truth,she must sulk如果我告诉她真相,她肯定会怄气的。

he admitted he had stolen goods in the supermarket on thespur of the moment


she begins to ramble on when her boyfriend doesn’t call herback她的男朋友没回她**,她就开始喋喋不休了to all intents and purposes,the project is completed其实这个项目已经完成了out of f**or不被喜欢了。

the final score hinged upon the teamwork最后得分取决于团队协作。

mark was beguiled by the salesman’s rhetoric马克被推销员的花言巧语欺骗了without inflexible will没有坚定的意志。

the horror story has the ability to unsettle an reader恐怖**能令读者心神不宁。

the region abounds with rain all year round这个地区终年多雨。

the staff forged the supervisor’s signature on the cheque那个员工在支票上伪造了主管的签名。

the basketball player has winning on the brain那名篮球运动员一心想着打赢比赛。

lisa’s clothes were all jumbled up together in her bedroomlisa的衣服杂乱的堆在她的卧室里she wants to win the competition at all cost他不惜一切代价想要赢得比赛的胜利the criminal tries to whitewash his crime那个罪犯试图掩盖他的罪行。

the dust in the air made me blink a lot空气中的灰尘让我眼睛眨个不停that old building is a real eyesore那栋老公寓真难看it appears to be raining看起来好像快下雨了。

he rubbed his eyes because he was so tired他因为太累了所以一直在揉眼睛he ruins his life他葬送了他的大好人生my neighbor is a cold fish我邻居是一个很冷漠的人。

your explanation doesn’t hold water你的解释站不住脚the sunset is so stunning日落真美。

i am just trying to get a glimpse of your new office我只是想看一眼你新的办公室you h**e no other way out of this你逃不掉了。

this party needs an icebreaker这个派对需要有人来打破僵局。

it is right to put everything to its proper use凡事都应该用得其所。

this is the charge for your idd calls这是您的长途**费。

my name is susan,i’m at your service我叫苏珊,由我来为您效劳。

we hope that this market trend will continue希望市场形势能够继续保持are you used to life in china?你习惯在中国生活了吗。

i look forward to a smooth cooperation希望我们合作愉快。

a man may dig his gr**e with his teeth祸从口出。

your early settlement of this case will be appreciated感谢您早日结算。

i h**en’t made up my mind我还没拿定主意呢i was taken aback我真是不知所措。

i want to get out of an agreement with that organization我想中止与那个公司的协议。

put away the tools after work,will you?工作结束后请把工具收拾好did the alarm clock go off?闹钟响了吗?

i am fed up with your nagging,i quit我受够了你的唠叨,我不干了i’ve had a couple of beers我已经喝了两瓶啤酒了。

your face is so red,you must be running a temperature你的脸真红,你肯定发烧了you h**e left me with no choice你让我别无选择。

i h**e a confession to make我有件事要坦白。

don’t moon away the spring festival找点事做吧,不要虚度春节。

i am calling to confirm that you received my resume我打**过来确认一下你是否收到了我的简历it is not surprising that romance springs up at the office办公室恋情不足为奇pride goes before a fall骄傲者必败。

whatever became of that gold watch you used to h**e?你原来那块金表呢。

act your age,you’re not a child any more有点大人样子,你已经不是孩子了some people compare books to friend有人把书比作朋友。

the whole matter needs careful consideration整件事需要认真考虑一下there are plenty fish in the sea天涯何处无芳草。

he won again,well blow me down他又赢了,太好了。

i am so pissed off with his attitude我对他的态度感到非常反感。

h**e you tried patching things up with her你有没有试试跟他重修旧好。

he will never let you down他不会让你失望的i think is time to move on我觉得是时候离开了that’s monkey business你根本是在胡闹。

your valuable advice is most welcome欢迎多提宝贵意见。

i will give you a buzz this evening我今晚会打个**给你。

a few days in bed and you’ll be as right as rain在床上躺个几天,你会好起来的the news made little difference to his plan这个消息对他的计划毫无影响i am in a hurry,i h**e no time to stay我很忙,没有时间再呆着了。

we all chipped in to buy jerry a going-away present我们凑钱给jerry买了一个礼物。

they don’t know how to run a business他不知道如何经营公司。

he usually drop in at my place on his way home他常在回家的路上顺便看看我。

our views coincide on a range of subjects我们在一些话题上持有相同观点。

wait a moment ,i’ll be with you in an instant等一下,我马上就来。

on second thought,let’s not go to a movie我又想了一下,我们还是别去看电影了i owed him a f**or so i couldn’t say no我欠他一个人情,所以没法拒绝。

all that glitters is not gold(注意all that的翻译)并不是所以闪光的都是金子。

talk about the pot calling the kettle black真是五十步笑百步。

we look forward to receiving your quotation soon我方期待尽快收到贵方**i should be on my way now我该出发了。

i’ll be out of town on business next week我下星期将会去外地出差。

stop beating around the bush and tell me the truth别兜圈子了,快告诉我实话it will work out in the end事情终究会好起来的。

we should head for the cinema early我们应该早点去电影院的。

he knew i wouldn’t give him time off,so he went over myhead and asked my boss

他知道我不会让他休假,所以直接去找老板了they went for a stroll in the park他们在公园里散步is it worth all the effort?这值得付出所有的努力吗。

could i trouble you to shut the door?麻烦你关一下门好吗i take your word for it我相信你的话。

i am an old hand at this在这方面我是老手了how about splitting the bill?我们平摊吧。

i’m starving ,so let’s dine out我饿死了,我们出去吃吧。

would you please take care of this little problem?你能处理一下这个小问题吗?the battery of my mobile phone is dead我的**快没电了。

harry’s very easy-going,especially when it comes to money哈利是个非常随意的人,尤其是在钱的问题上。

i forgot to say think i h**e no manner at all我忘了说再见,他们一定认为我很没礼貌the sight of the dead body scared him stiff看到尸体他都吓僵了。

he bothered me with a great many question他对我提了一大堆问题,真烦。

all characters in the book are imaginary书中所有的人物都是虚构的。


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