
发布 2019-12-28 01:03:28 阅读 3208

1. why is she in the title? 凭什么有她的份儿啊?

2. we all know what a challenge that is! 有多大难处啊!


3. i think that borders on child abuse. 我觉着这都有点虐待儿童了诶。

border on 逼进,靠近。

4. he gets his way! 他就得逞了!

5. knock knock! 有人在吗!

6. mother-to-be 准妈妈。

1. rise and shine 起床啦!

rise and shine表示“起床工作”的意思,和太阳升起rise发光shine无关?其实是指起身rise,然后士兵们穿上闪亮shining的靴子。现在就只剩下起床的意思了~~

2. undo this mess you got us into. 搞定你摆的这个烂摊子。

3. could use a little help! 你就不能搭个手么!

4. how about a little less piggin' 能不能少在那儿好逸恶劳。

5. louis give anything to be up there jamming with the big boys.路易斯要能跟那些大腕儿们一起演奏让咱干啥都愿意啊!

1. i was stuck at work. 我忙着工作呢。

2. how could i forget? 叫我怎么忘得了?


3. good shake. 握力不错。

3. you spoiled little rich boy. 你个被宠坏的有钱小子。

4. the egg is on your face 这下你丢脸了吧!

egg on your face 这是一个惯用的习语,意思指非常难堪、很蠢、很丢脸。想鸡蛋咂脸上的话,是够丢脸的。

5. i am completely broke. 我可压根儿没钱。


1. 赞美对方,修饰原因。


you're a great guy/girl, but i'm just too busy to pursue a serious relationship right now.


i'm flattered that you asked, but i'm not ready to start a relationship right now.


work has been keeping me too busy, i don't think i'm a good boyfriend/girlfriend material.


i'm still hung up over my previous relationship, and i'd rather us just be friends.


i've just gotten out of a bad relationship and i don't want to start anything too hastily.


2. 坦白直率,愿友情长存。


i like you, but i'm just not interested in you in that wa


you're a great friend, and i'd rather that we keep it this way.


i'm not the right guy/girl for you. i hope that you can understand and that we can still be friends.


i like you as a friend, and i hope that we wouldn't h**e to give up our friendship over this.


unless you beg for more. 除非你想要更进一步

but how did you get way up there? 可你怎么上那么老远去了?

way经常在口语里面用来作为程度副词,强调程度之深。比方way better than you就是比你好太多了。

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