商务英语900句 11

发布 2019-12-27 20:17:28 阅读 8665

226the loss for this reason should be charged by the side breaking the contract.造成的损失必须由毁约方承担。

227 do you h**e any comment on this clause.你对这一条款有何看法?

228 no wonder everyone speak highly of your commercial integrity.难怪大家都极为推崇你们的商业信誉。

229 it is our permanent principle that contracts are honored and commercial integrity is maintained.重合同、守信用是我们的一贯原则。

230 anything else you want to bring up for discussion.你还有什么问题要提出来供双方讨论的吗?

231 you may rest assured that the shipment will be duly delivered.你们尽可放心,我们会按时交货的。

232 we must h**e your lc at least one month before the time of shipment.我们必须在船运前一个月收到你们的信用证。

233 the contract contains basically all we h**e agreed upon during our negotiations.合同将我们达成协议的内容基本上都写上了。

234 i hope no questions about the terms.我看合同的条款没有什么问题了。

235 i’m glad our negotiation has come to a successful conclusion.我很高兴这次洽谈圆满成功。

236 i hope this will lead to further business between us.我希望这次交易将使我们之间的**得到进一步发展。

237 we’ll sign two originals, each in chinese and english language.我们将要用中文和英语分别签署两份原件。

238 i am ready to sign the agreement.我已经准备好了签合同。

239 i’m sure you need an original signature, not a faxed copy.我知道你们需要的是原件,不是传真件。

240 so i will receive and sign it overnight.那么,我明天就可以收到并且签上名了。

241 we’ll still be able to meet the deadline.我们还是可以赶上最后期限的。

242 i will keep you posted.


243 what is your hurry?


244 i’m sorry to burst in on you like this, but i’m really upset.我很抱歉这样突然地找您,但我真的很心烦。

245 what on earth has happened to trouble you so?到底发生什么事让您如此发愁? 246 i’m afraid i h**e bad news for you.


247 the woolen sweaters you delivered do not match the sample we provided.你们交货的羊毛衫和我厂提供的样品不一致。

248 you agreed that we could make a little change in design if necessary.可你们曾经答应这,如有必要,图案可以稍作改动。

249 our clients are very critical on quality.我们的客户对商品的质量是很挑剔的。

250 what do you want us to do?



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