1) 审题 2)构思 3)下笔, ]
审direction: 有没有题目(没有则可不写)
审图、文:图的数量(…from the above pictures 多个图用复数年)
确定主题, ]
1st: 描述图中所述/画(安全第一)
2nd: 提出图画的含义(2句)
展望未来, ,
whoever in front of the above image(可以变) might=(may) be very much=(greatly)interested : 主语【what is 可删])[in it 】is that 描述图中所画,如有必要,补充1—2句,进一步描述。how instructive(a.
有启发性的,有教育意义的) it is !(it goes far beyond any reasonable dispute(n.争端,分歧 v.
不同意,争议) that毋庸置疑[可删])****** as the picture(可变)looks , its intended meaning goes far-reaching.
anyone、no matter who 无论谁/任何人。
the above image 这幅图画 =the (above可后置)picture/drawing/photo/cartoon/miniature(**画,高级词汇)
interesting、fascinating、thought-provoking[provoke vt.激/引起;挑衅,激怒]、striking(a.显著的、引人注目的)、illuminating、enlightening、impressive、symbolic、philosophic
funny、ridiculous、odd、absurd(a.荒谬的,可笑的)、farfetched(a.牵强的;乱七八糟的)、humorous 尽管这幅图画看起来很普通,但它要表达的意义却是很深刻的。
seems to be、appears、may look、may appear、may seem
goes far deeper, ,
what a symbolic and philosophic(可变) image(可换) it is ! 主语【what can be clearly seen from it 】is that描述图中所画,如有必要,补充1-2句,进一步描述 . indeed(可去), it is so enlightening (可变)that anyone in front of this picture cannot help being illuminated(可变).
however(=no matter how) absurd(可变) it may seem at first glance(=sight), 主语【what the illustrator(插图画家) virtually(=really/actually)intends to(a.实际上的;几乎) convey】 is by no means(一点也不) ******.
are a variety of / an array of / a wide range of /several cultures
aims to 、attempts to
apparently (ad.显然;似乎,看来;实际上)far deeper 、undoubtedly far-reaching ,
【what on earth can be inferred from this drawing?(此设问句既可放1段尾,也可放2段首)】(study it further, we may learn that =indeed,)it does carry fairly important intended meaning—图像要表达的含义,如有必要,再写1—2句。 nowhere in history has the issue been concerned so much as in our society today.
【it should be observed=(noted), of course, that(=indeed,可去)】 similar(=such) happenings(=events/practices/cases/phenomenon(phenomena)/stories)are now **ailable anywhere in our neighborhood(附近,不远处) and around the world. as can best be illustrated in terms of one of my acquaintances, who 举例子,若英语好,可进一步描写细节。 statistics released by fudan university(chinese academy of sciences中科院) last october suggest that 切题句。
设问句可变为what on earth does the picture really(可变,=actually/virtually) attempt(=aim/intend) to mirror?
what on earth does the illustrator actually aim to convey?
rather、quite、pretty、very 史上任何时候都比不上今天我们的社会这样关注这种事。
such a scene、such a phenomenon、this phenomenon
can be ready **ailable
in nearly all walks of life
切题句:(to: 71.3 percent of the people are following the tread/are of the kind.),
that the above cartoon goes far more than(不仅仅是) a mere ****** cartoon goes far beyond any reasonable dispute(毋庸置疑,第一段用了就不再用). indeed(=study it deeply, we can learn that), it is a vivid reflection(=indicative) of a fairly (可变)familiar scene in nowadays society(可用china):(可用“—”代替) 图画所表达的。
a. it should be noted(=observed), of course, that such events(可变)h**e been occurring in nearly all walks of life. b.
reports of similar stories frequently hit the headlines of the mass media, and thus h**e been brought into focus of the society(=public).c. looking around, we can find that such practices are too numerous to list.
a typical illustration (occurring to me)【我能想到的一个典型的例子】 goes to one of my former colleagues, who 举例子。 as is indicated in a survey (conducted by china youth daily/xinhua news agency新华社 at the end of last year), 切题句( two-fifths of the people are of the tide).
that this cartoon carries rather significant implications what the illustrator virtually intends to convey.
are now **ailable 、can be easily found
a case in point、a convincing example、a telling illustration
a. is this merely a coincidence?(这难道是个偶然吗?
)indeed, this is not entirely a coincidence, but rather familiar to us all, occurring all too often in our neighborhood.
b. can this merely be a coincidence?
三种开头方式: what to do?
much can be done.(面对这种情况,我们应该积极做点什么)
切题句”,notes dr. shi bao, a pioneer of beh**ioral sciences at nankai university.
切题句 we should protect our environment.
it is hight time that we protected our environment.
the environment should be protected properly as much as ourselves.
第一段。1 as is vividly depicted in the picture chat,a man beside it is saying 生动的体现出,描图。2 as it is,the drawing sets us pondering awfully.显而易见 引发我们深思熟虑。3 ...
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17年考研英语大作文范文推导寓意。有书 却不 读书 拥有再多的书也无济于事。有书 不是目的,踏踏实实地 读书 才是。其他事情也是如此 空谈无益,实干才能使人进步。罗列关键词描写关键词 bookshelf desk writingdesk书桌 withdeepsatisfaction心满意足地 mak...