年小学二年级第二单元英语测验卷 Unit3

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2019-2024年小学二年级第二单元英语测验卷(unit 3)


一。 listen and number.(听录音,标数字。每题读两遍。)(10分)

二、listen and write down 1,2,(听录音,写编号1,2。每题读三遍。)(10分)

三。 listen and choose.(听录音,选择你所听到的单词或句子,在后面打√。每题读两遍。)(10分)

1. rabbit2. monkey3. bird4. dog (

catelephantducktiger (

i h**e a panda7. what’s this? (

armi see a catit’s a monkey. (

8. what do you see9. draw a dog.( 10. i h**e two pandas. (

two little eyes.( it has a long noseput them together.(

四。 listen,tick or cross.(听录音,判断图意,对的打√,错的打×。每题读两遍。)(10分)

五、listen and number .(听录音,标数字,每题读两遍。)(10分)

a.( i see a birdb. (what do you see ?

)what’s your namei wash my face .

)i h**e a rabbitand then i go to school .

)here’s the dogit has a big mouth.

)it’s the handtouch your leg.

六、listen and circle.(听录音,圈出正确的图画。每题读两遍。)(10分)


一。 情景反应。(10分)


a. i h**e one little mouth. b. i h**e a tiger .

2.你想问别人 “你看见什么”时,你会说:(

a. what do you seeb. my ears can hear.

3. “它有一个小脸”,你会说:(

a. it has a small faceb. what’s this ?

4. 你要告诉别人“它有一个大嘴巴”,你会说:(

a. it has a big mouthb. my mouth can talk.


a. touch my eyesb. touch the duck.

二。 单词连线。(20分)

panda rabbit dog chicken cat

fish duck elephant tiger monkey


1. what’s your name我看见一只小鸟。

2. i see a bird你叫什么名字?

3. it has a long nose它有一个长鼻子。

4. wash my face我有一只老虎。

5. i h**e a tiger洗洗脸。

6. at the zoo晚上好!

7. are you joy在动物园里。

8. good evening你是joy吗?

9. no, i’m bill让我们一起画小狗吧。

10. let’s draw a dog不,我是bill。

附送:2019-2024年小学二年级第五单元英语测验卷(unit 5)


一。 listen and number.(听录音,标数字。每题读两遍。)(10分)

二、listen and write down 1,2,(听录音,写编号1,2。每题读三遍。)(10分)

三。 listen and choose.(听录音,选择你所听到的单词或句子,在后面打√。每题读两遍。)(10分)

1. morning2. ruler3. foot4. five (

afternooneraserhandone (

i like my cat7. what’s this? (

armsit down, pleaselook, your book. (

8. show your eraser9. draw a duck.( 10. i h**e two pens. (

good eveningwhat do you seeopen it. (

四。 listen,tick or cross.(听录音,判断图意,对的打√,错的打×。每题读两遍。)(10分)

五、listen and number .(听录音,标数字,每题读两遍。)(10分)

a.( how old are you? b. (what’s your name?

)what do you seei wash my face .

)i h**e a cathow many dogs can you see?

)here is my noseit has long ears.

)it’s the headi’m ten.

六、listen and circle.(听录音,圈出正确的图画。每题读两遍。)(10分)


一。 情景反应。(10分)


a. i’m 7b. how old are you?

2.你想问别人 “你看见什么”时,你会说:(

a. what do you seeb. my eyes can see.


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