10 11二年级英语第一学期期中测试

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一。听录音,判断下列每组单词划线部分的读音是否相符,相符的打“”,不符的打“”。2’x5=10’ )

二。听录音,选出你听到的**,在正确**旁的方格里打””。2’x5=10’ )

三。听录音,选择正确的数字,将数字填在**旁的方格里。( 2’x5=10’ )

四。听录音,用1,2,3,4,5给下列**排序,数字写在里。( 2’x5=10’ )

五。听录音,与录音内容相同的打“”,不相同的打“”。2’x5=10’ )

( )1. there are seven fans in our classroom.

( )2. how many windows are there?

( )3. what can you see in the classroom?

( )4. how many fans can you see?

( )5. there are eighty chairs and ninety desks.

六.听录音,用给下列句子排序。( 2’x5=10’ )

( )i come to school by bus.

( )i run to school. how about you, koko?

( )hello, tim. how do you come to school?

( )i fly to school, ann.

( )how do you come to school, ann?


一. 根据**,选择正确的单词填在相对应的横线上。( 2’x5=10’ )

二.读一读,选择正确的答句,在括号里填入字母编号。( 2’x5=10’ )

1. can i help you?

a. i am seven. b. yes. thank you.

2. what is your name?

a. my father is tall. b. my name is koko.

3. here are your stickers.

a. thank you. b. there is a book.

4. what’s the answer?

a. there are two tv. b. sorry, i don’t know.

5. thank you very much.

a. you’re welcome. b. you’re good.

三.连词成句,规范写在四线三格里(注意大小写和标点符号)。(2.5’x4=10’ )

1. old you how are (?

2. box what’s the in (?

3. are rubbers two there (.

4. fans many are how there (?

四.看图,判断句子正()误()。2’x5=10’ )


2015 2016学年第一学期二年级英语期中测试卷。1 听录音,选单词,将正确答案的字母代号写在括号里。20分 1.a yesb fine 2.a nameb morning 3.a birdb thank 4.a pandab boy 5.a goodb afternoon 6.a downb w...


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一 读拼音,写词语。zh sh t n h o p n y u x n f n di n d n x n k xi n m o s n b i 二 比一比,再组词。每称做圆。海评作园。三 在正确的读音下面画 热情好 h o h o 客水分 f n f n 淹没 m m i重 ch n zh n 新。...