
发布 2024-03-04 11:52:08 阅读 4963

英语:41. what colour is your jacket

a. it’s orange. b. it’s an orange. c. it’s in your bag.

42. where’s your notebook

a. it’s on your desk. b. how nice. c. it’s yellow.

44. what colour is your hat

a. it’s on your bed. b. it’s white. c. it’s 10 yuan.

45. who’s he

a. his name is wu yifan. b. she’s my friend.

c. he’s my teacher.

46. what colour are the books

a. they are white. b. it’s yellow. c. it’s on the desk.

47. let’s clean the classroom.

a. all right. b. good job! c. it’s nice.

48. what’s your uncle

a. she’s a teacher. b. i’m a farmer. c. he’s a farmer.

49. what would you like for dinner

a. i like watermelon. b. i’d like some chicken and rice.

c. i drink some juice.

50. what’s your aunt

a. he’s a teacher. b. she’s a nurse. c. she’s my friend.

nancy : who’s that man with a big mouth and two small eyes?

yang ling: he’s my uncle and he’s a doctor.

nancy: my father is a doctor, too. what’s your aunt’s job?

yang ling: she’s a bus driver. what about your mother?

nancy: she’s an english teacher.

)1. who can write and read english?

a. nancy’s nancy’s mother

c. yang ling’s father. d. yang ling’s mother.

)2. who has two small eyes?

a. yang ling’s father. b. yang ling’s mother

c. yang ling’s uncle . d. yang ling’s aunt.

) can drive a bus?

a. nancy’s nancy’s mother

c. yang ling’s uncle . d. yang ling’s aunt

) father is atoo.

a. teacher b. doctor

c. waiter d. cook


竖式:应用题:13. 在运动场的一边插红旗,每隔5米插一面。从一端到另一端一共插了13面,运动场的一边有多长?

14. 商店上午运来桔子43筐,下午运来桔子28筐,平均每筐桔子重52千克,这个商店共运来桔子多少千克.

15. 三年级2个班,每班有45个同学,一共割菜810千克,平均每个同学割菜多少千克?

英语:51. where are my keys

a. yes, they are. b. it’s on your desk. c. they are in the door.

52. are they on the table

a. yes, it is. b. no, it isn’t. c. no, they aren’t.

53. who’s your best friend? (

a. amy. b. a panda. c. a ruler.

54. who’s he

a. he’s my dad. b. she ’ my mom.

55. she’s chen jie

a. you’re right. b. i h**e a friend. c. he has a cat.

56. who is he

a. she’s quiet. b. guess. c. i like sports.

57. what can you see in the picture

a. i can see a light. b. i h**e two lights. c. it’s a picture.

58. i like chinese food

a. me too. b. sorry.

59. what’s for dinner

a. wait and see. b. water, please.

60. do you like vegetables

a. thank you. b. no, thanks.

i’m helen . i’m an english girl . i’m a student .

i’m in class 1, grade 1. i get up at six o’clock . i go to school at seven o’clock.

we h**e three classes in the morning and two in the afternoon . we go home at four thirty . my father is a policeman .

my mother is a driver . i love my father and mother .

) 1. helen is a student .

) 2. helen’s mother is a doctor .

) 3. helen goes to school at 6:00 .

) 4. she goes home at four thirty .

) 5. she has four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.



17. 一头大象约重5408千克,它的体重是一只猴子的208倍,这只猴子重多少千克?(用两种方法解答)

18. 学校运来1200棵树苗,如果每行栽24棵,可以栽几行?(用两种方法解答)

英语:61. can i help you

a. yes, pass me a fork, please. b. i like a plate.

62. what would you like for dinner

a. hot dog and milk, please. b. thank you very much.


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