
发布 2024-03-03 12:30:04 阅读 1811

一. 按要求写出单词(10分)。

1. onion(复数)__第三人称单数 (反义词)__

4. he**y (反义词5. tooth (复数形式6. pea (复数形式)__

7. healthy (名词形式)__8. running(动词原形)__9. two (同音词)__10. eat (过去式)__


1.在星期六2. 大约十分钟3. 在家。

4. work hard at can do it

6. 梳头7. take a shower8. play sports

9. 一年三次10. 看电视。

三。 .单项选择,将答案序号填入括号内。(20分)

) do you want___a. do b. does c. to do d. doing

) 2. everyone___here , but li ming isn’t. a. am b. is c. are d. be

) 3. do you want to __strong and healthy? a. am b. is c. are d. be

) 4. -why ? it’s good for you . a .and b . so c . because d . but

) 5. -what do you usually eat __breakfast ?-noodles.

a . at b . to c .

with d . for

) 6. he always __his hands before supper. a . wash b . washes c . washs d . washed

) 7. _sports do you play li ming ? a . how b . where c . what d .how

) 8. do you h**e __ping-pong balls ? a . any b . some c. many d. much

) 9. you don’t h**e a t-shirt, i don’t h**e one, _a . also b .

either c . too d . neither

) 10. i’m showing you the skin __my . in b . at c . on d . for

) 11. i’m very __so i’m

) 12. i often go to school form monday___

) 13. i often eat breakfast __going to

) 14.__do you eat rice? three time a many much often

15. sixty minutes___an

) did you do___week?

) can make

) 18.__exercise do you needi need about twenty minutes of exercise.

many much often

) usually walk __home at 6:00 in the d.\

) ming often goes to school five___a week. time time

四。 为下列英语句子选择正确的汉语句子。将答案序号填入括号内。(10分)

) need to eat more minutes make an hour.

) helps make your body walk home after school.

) h**e to play sports for exercise.

a. 六十分钟是一小时。b. 我需要吃更多的蔬菜。c. 你必须做运动来锻炼身体。

d. 做运动能使你的身体健康。e. 我放学后步行回家。

五。 连词成句。(注意标点符号)(10分)

1. brush, i, twice, my, a, teeth, day

how, do, many, you, wash, minutes

3. name, can, these, you, vegetables

4. eat, often, do, donuts, how, you

5. at, work, school, hard


1. i eat vegetables three times a day. (对划线部分提问)

2. my f**ourite fruit is melon. (对划线部分提问)

3. i watch sports on tv. (变成一般将来时)

4. danny walks to school for five minutes. (对划线部分提问)

5. running is exercise. (对划线部分进行提问)


)1. i often eat porridges for breakfast

a b c )2. li ming washes he hands every day

a b c )3. jenny eats lunch for thirty minute

a bc )4. look at the skins on my arms

a b c )5. my f**ourite fruit are melon

a b c八.用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)

1. do you want to __be) healthy2. eating donuts is bad for your __healthy).

3ride) a bike is exercise4. i usually h**e a walk __two) a day.

5. do you usually help __you) family6. how manyminute) in a day?

7. you needget) more exercise8. would you h**e __some) melon?


一 按要求写出单词 10分 1.onion 复数 第三人称单数 反义词 4.he y 反义词5.tooth 复数形式6.pea 复数形式 7.healthy 名词形式 8.running 动词原形 9.two 同音词 10.eat 过去式 二 英汉互译。10分 1.在星期六2.大约十分钟3.在家。4...


一 按要求写出单词 10分 1.onion 复数 第三人称单数 反义词 4.he y 反义词5.tooth 复数形式6.pea 复数形式 7.healthy 名词形式 8.running 动词原形 9.two 同音词 10.eat 过去式 二 英汉互译。10分 1.在星期六2.大约十分钟3.在家。4...


一 按要求写出单词 10分 1.onion 复数 第三人称单数 反义词 4.he y 反义词5.tooth 复数形式6.pea 复数形式 7.healthy 名词形式 8.running 动词原形 9.two 同音词 10.eat 过去式 二 英汉互译。10分 1.在星期六2.大约十分钟3.在家。4...