小学四年级英语作文 低碳生活

发布 2024-02-26 07:10:11 阅读 8993

low carbon life today is no longer a fresh word, the people all know what call low carbon life.

today i will say the low-carbon life in our house. one day, after i had finished my homework was sitting on the sofa watching tv, movie about environmental protection commonweal advertisement attracted me. the frame there are pieces of white clouds in the blue sky, the endless prairie, green grass in the wind gently shake its head, the colorful flowers and small butterflies dance ballet on the ground.

but, the scene became is full of weeds, desolate desert.

i sat on the sofa, looking out the window the yellow sky thought:

if we don't protect the environment, can't tell which day our hometown will become like that. thought of here i'll stand up to mom and dad said: "low carbon life is start from our home!

"after that day, our family really played a low-carbon life.

as long as it doesn't black home absolutely does not turn on the light. go out not to ride electric vehicles is the bus. and i put up a piece of white ***** in the bathroom write "please s**e water" several characters, ah!

indeed effective, mom and dad would never waste water, both of the water to wash the dishes, wash clothes of water s**e flush the toilet and do it s**es water, also s**e a lot of water.

my dad used to throw rubbish are packed in a bag together willy-nilly throw it away. but now is different, he always put the garbage classification, not thrown away, can be recycled are collected to sell to recyclers, the sale of the waste of money s**ed up can also buy vegetables.

so two months of low-carbon life, not only make people form good habits, our family also s**e a lot of cost of living. mother happily say: "low carbon life is environmental protection, and s**e money, also can let us healthy life, we must put the low carbon life in the end!











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