
发布 2024-02-14 03:05:09 阅读 6748


) know

) c. day

) the other snake.

to ) doesn’t __rice.

)3.--do you like pandas?

am. isn’t don’t.

)4.--thank you.


) daming a book.

b give c .gives


1. pandas __love) bamboo.

2. they __not like) water.

3. i __not believe) it .

4. she can __sing).

5. the snake __think)the flute is another snake.


1 don't i the thing believe (.

2 an what interesting book (!

3 snakes like music do the beautiful (?

4 out the snake coming is of this box (.

5 amy like does rice (?


1. it's a fantastic cd-rom.(改为感叹句)

2. i like noodles.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

3. the snake comes out of the box.

(改为why 引导的特殊与疑问句)

4. he likes noodles.(对划线部分提问)

5. my mother gets up at six o'clock.(改为否定句)

英汉互译。1 clean the room___2 eat fast food

3 go swimming4说英语___

5 爬树6 野餐___

7 go to see a film___8 read books___

9 列一张清单10 读故事___


1 the my clean sometimes for i desk teacher(.)

2 goes always shopping he bike by (.

3 she does eat often and with knife a fork (?

4 with dolls never play i (.

5 want my do to see you photos(?)


1 i always play computer games. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

2 my family often go out for dinner.(改为否定句)

3 i often help my mom on sundays.(对划线部分提问)

4 do you usually eat fast food?(做肯定回答)

5 i often go to bed at 8:30. (对划线部分提问)


1. 玛丽和汤姆有时去拜访他们的祖母。

2. 你经常发电子邮件吗?

3. 你现在喜欢读书吗?

4. 他从来不打扫他的房间。

5. 你总是喝茶吗?

六. 单项选择。

)1. -do you want to h**e a picnic?

a thank you b yes, i’d love to c excuse me

) 2. miss li always __fairy stories(童话故事) to her daughter.

a reads b reading c read

) 3. some children like __and __

a run; clap b running; claping c running; clapping

) 5. i’d love to __with dolls.

a play b playing c played

八. 按要求完成句子。

never plays computer games. (改为一般疑问句)

___damingcomputer games?

often send emails to my parents.(改为一般疑问句)

emails to __parents?

always helps her mother do housework. (改为否定句)

lindaher mother do housework.

sometimes go swimming on sunday.(对划线部分提问)

you sometimes __on sunday?


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