
发布 2024-01-30 03:50:05 阅读 3725


u1 growing up


there are some photos of me.

in photo 1, i was 1 year old. i was a baby. i was cute and small.

in photo 2, i was 3 years old. i was a little girl. my hair was short and my eyes were big.

in photo 3, i was 6 years old. i was a primary school student. i was tall.

i liked reading books.

now i am 12 years old. i am tall and pretty. i like playing ball games.

i will go to junior high school next year.

u2 my summer holiday


i had a wonderful summer holiday. during the holiday, i visited my grandparents. i went to the beach with my family.

we played ball games there and went swimming in the sea. we took a lot of photos. it was interesting.

how was your summer holiday?

u3 good eating habits

提示:i had…for breakfast/lunch/dinner.)

i had three meals yesterday. i had some bread, an egg and some milk for breakfast. i had a lot of rice, some meat and vegetables for lunch.

i had some noodles and fruit for dinner. good eating habits are very important. we should h**e healthy food and do sport every day.

u4 my neighbours


the wus are my neighbours. they are from hunan. mr wu is tall and strong.

he is a doctor. mrs wu is thin and pretty. she is a teacher.

they h**e a daughter and a son, alice and joe. alice likes reading books. joe likes playing ball games.

i sometimes meet them in the morning. last weekend, we played football together. i like my neighbours.

u5 animals in danger


pandas are in danger. they live in the forests in china. they eat bamboos.

they are cute. in the past, there were many pandas. but now there are only about one thousand six hundred in the wild.

south china tigers are in danger too. they live in the jungles. they eat all kinds of animals.

they are strong and cool. in the past, there were many south china tigers. but now there are only about thirty in the wild.

we should help them!

u6 an email to my e-friend

提示: 注意电子邮件格式,从自己的信息,家庭情况,学校和爱好进行介绍)

dear alice,my name is ben. i’d like to be your e-friend.

i am from shenzhen. i am 11 years old. i am tall and thin.

i h**e black hair and big eyes.

there are four people in my family: my father, my mother, my sister and me. my father is a doctor.

my mother is a housewife. my sister is a junior high school student.

i go to new asia school. i am in class 1 grade 6. my f**ourite subjects are maths and music.

i like singing and playing football. i played football with my classmates yesterday.

write soon and tell me about yourself.


u7 my f**ourite film

提示:介绍一部自己喜欢看的电影,电影名要斜体或者打双引号,首字母大写句型可用i’d like to see...it’s a story about...

i’d like to see snow white. it’s a story about a beautiful princess. she meets seven little friends in the forest.

it’s an interesting film. i really love it. i’d like to see it at 2 with my friends.

u8 a visit to an insect museum


saturday, 12th nov.

i went to an insect museum with my friend today. the museum was big and clean. i saw many kinds of insects there.

some were beautiful, some were ugly. i learned a lot about them. i bought a toy bee there.

we love museums!

a plan to visit car museum

(提示:做游览计划,用将来时。i’d like to visit...i will/am going to visit...

i’d like to visit a car museum with my friend kitty. i would like to go there on saturday. i will get there by bus.

i would like to buy a model car there. i will meet kitty at 9 o’clock i love museums.

u9 great cities of the world


beijing is a great city. it is the capital of china. it is in the north of china.

it takes about four hours from shenzhen by plane. people can see the great wall and the palace museum there. people in beijing love eating dumplings.

a plan to visit shanghai

(提示:做游览计划,用将来时。i’d like to visit...i will/am going to visit...

the winter holiday is coming. i’m going to visit shanghai with my family. i will go there by plane.

it will take 2 hours by plane. we will see the bund there. people in shanghai like eating xiaolongbao.

i love shanghai.


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