
发布 2024-01-30 01:00:04 阅读 9348

i’m a twelve-year-old girl! my name is liu jiayao. my english name is jenny.

i study at jinqiao primary school. i’m a student of grade six. i wil finish primary school andgo to middle school.

so i should workhard and hard.

i h**e a three of happy family. my mother works in the real estate panies. my farther is mother is busy working on weekdays .

so my farthercooks dnnerevery day. we three usually h**e dinner at parents ofen go far a walk aftersupper. i finish my homeworkbefore eight o’clock.

iusually spend an hour reading books before going to bed . at the weekends, my farther likes fishing and tr**elling with his friends. i help my mum with housework.

sometimes we do some shopping h**e abig dinner in the restaurant. we ofen go for atrip on holiday. last natinal day holiday.

we visted lu’shan. the food there is very cheap and delicious.

i study at jinqiao primary school. i had awonderful day . it’s more beautiful than old one .

there are seven new buildings in our school. three buildings are for teaching. we h**e music rooms, puterrooms ,excperimental room, dancing halls and sports halls.

we also h**e a big canteen. we all h**e lunch there every day. the food is nice.

ourclassroom is big and morden. there’sa tv and a puter. on the blackbord there isa whiteboard.

teachers ofen teach us with it. it’s h**e a good friend namedhuang yanbing. we are in the same class and we are different ages .

in fact ,i am two months older than she is taller and thinnerthan me she ispretty, she has many hobbies. she like singing , dancing ilike her very much. we are alwayshappytogetner!

i really enjoy my school life.





英语自我介绍 六年级自我介绍英语及常用句式参考

六年级自我介绍英语范文及常用句式参考。英文自我介绍六年级 一 helloeveryone,大家好,我叫angela。我今年十三岁了,我在上六年级,马上就要面临小升初了。我是一个可爱的女孩,有大眼睛,小鼻子和红润的嘴唇。我在。第一小学读书,我喜欢英语,而且我还喜欢看书,游泳,唱歌和溜冰英文自我介绍六年...


小学生作文自我介绍。我是一个活泼开朗的男孩,有着两个炯炯有神的大眼,两只大大的耳朵,一张能说会道的嘴巴。这就是我。我有来向大家介绍下我的优点吧 唱歌 体育 奥数 等等,我的缺点也有些,比如粗心,马虎。但最让我担心和自豪的是我那张能说会道的嘴。为什么这么说呢?是因为在课堂上我是一个能说会道的小达人。在...

