六年级作文状物 狗 Dogs

发布 2024-01-29 04:39:41 阅读 6645

dogs belong to the canine。when a dog follows its nose, it's actually being led by thee key senses。 sight:

a glimpse of the enemy s**es them barking up the wrong tree。 sound: a bark can be a fierce threat, but it's also how canines make their long distance calls。

smell: this tells a dog more than all the other senses put together。inside its nose are around two hundred million smell sensitive cells, forty times more than in humans。

through them the dog's brain can pick up signals from one molecule of scent in a million。 it gives the dog: a completely different picture of the world, based on what it smells, rather than what it sees。

flowers are irrelevant to a dog。 so their scent is meaningless。 but food is a serious matter。

what to us is an empty plate, is covered with the smell of chicken to a hungry dog。 狗狗属于犬科劝物。当狗用鼻子嗅着前行时,实际上有三种感觉在起作用:



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