
发布 2023-12-04 03:30:10 阅读 4992


no sooner had the witer vacation begun than i returnedto my native town. of course i must make good use of it;.inthe morning i reviewed my lessons and read news*****s ormagazines.

in the afternoon i played ball games with myfriends or went fishing in the river. at night i watchedtelevision with my family. hardly had the clock on the wallstruck ten when i went to bed.



today,my sister and me to a dirty dog take a shower,sister to bring water,then used washbasin and soap,wefirst make the dog water wet,and then rubbed with soapand rub a rub,finally washed with clean water! the dog iswhite and beautiful!


home to the floor dirty,my mother did not e home,idecided to sweep the floor. say to work,i took a broom toclean,a dustbin full and take out the garbage. althoughthe waist is sour,people also tired,sweating sweatdripping,can see the clean floor,my heart is sweet



today we h**e gone to the zoo,plays very happy inthere us. we saw the tiger lion elephant also has thepeacock which i most like,in brief today is happiest day@ which i play.


i live very happily today! in the morning,it is veryfine! then i climb the mountain with family,the air onthe mountain is very fresh,the flowers plants and treeson the mountain all seem extremely beautiful.

coming backhome in the evening,family and i sat and watched tvtogether,we are returning and eating the fruit whilechatting,the whole family is happy and harmonious!



what a fine day today !i’m very happy in this fineday . beaucse today i don’t h**e to do my homework and ican play with my good friends .

there is lots of snow now,so we make a sonw man .that’s really intersting .we playwith snow to about 6:

30 .of couse i must go home now. whata fan day !





next week i would like to go to kaifeng and has many great snacks,such as steamed buns,sesame seed gaul. kaifeng also on the famous qingming riverpark,i think it has to be very beautiful. my parents willbe opened to see my uncle and live in his house one night.



the end of the summer,should h**e a good rest! but mymother is very busy. as the daughter of course i want tohelp my mother to do some.

early in the morning i got up,washed the dishes,sweep the floor,cooking and so on,at noon,i tired,lying on the bed,fan fan,morefortable.



it was sunny and very hot today. i got up early andhelped my parents cook breakfast. then i washed the dishesand cleaned the room.

after a short rest i did my homeworkin the morning. in the afternoon i went swimming in thenearest swimming pool with my friends. it was really coolto swim in such a hot day.

i surfed the inter and read astorybook in the evening. i really had a busy andinteresting day.






this morning i woke up at 6 o ’clock is to the kitchenfor mom made a bowl of beef and tomato noodles,motherlooked at me as she do breakfast is very happy,shefinally put all eat noodles,very delicious,also say igrew up,not a kid,can look after himself,i listenedalso very happy.



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