
发布 2023-12-03 19:40:05 阅读 2557



it has been a hot topic for a long time whether___某事物/问题). some people take it for granted that___一种观点). however, other reckon that___另一种观点) .

those people who hold the former opinion believe___观点一的理由一). in addition,__观点一的理由二).

however, there are still others who advocate the latter opinion because they hold___观点二的理由一).and,__观点二的理由二).what’s more,__观点二的理由三).


as for me, my f**or goes to___两种观点选其一).for one thing,__个人看法依据一). for another,__个人看法的依据二) .

but___提出某事物/问题需要改进的地方).and i hope(提出自己的希望).


with the development of提出问题).some people think that___观点一).in their opinion,__观点一的理由一).

for instance,__举例说明).

however, others hold that___观点二), they maintain that___观点二的理由一).to their minds,__观点二的理由二).

as far as i see it, what really matters is___提出个人看法),_进一步说明看法). when it comes to___某事物), i think___提出个人看法). in a word,__总结自己的观点).


nowadays/ at present __概述现象). the phenomenon has become a heated topic among the people around us / the phenomenon has brought into focus. /某现象), which has arouse great concern___阐述现象表现).

there are many factors that many reasons accounting for this phenomenon. /the reasons (factors) that contribute to___该现象)are varied. first of all/ to start with,__原因一).

in addition/furthermore/what is more/moreover,__原因二).finally,__原因三).on the whole,__总结原因).

as far as i am concerned, i am inclined to___我的做法/我的看法)__总结观点).


ever since…, there h**e been ongoing disputes over…自从……起,就有对于……的持续争论。

with the increasing concerns about…, people are calling for…随着对……的日益关注,人们呼吁………

draws the public's attention once again to…, a repeatedly discussed yet constantly unsolved social issue.…再一次吸引公众的注意力至……,这是一个经常讨论但一直未得到解决的社会问题。


there exists a philosophy that…有一种观点认为……

while many advocate…, i believe it's a better idea to…尽管很多人支持……,我认为……更好。

quite many are disgusted by this kind of…, because it goes against the traditional chinese virtue of…很多人都反感……,因为它有悖于中国的传统美德。


it is apparent that it is a more sensible choice to…很明显,……是更为明智的选择。

..should be encouraged, because it is a rewarding journey, promised with...应鼓励……,因为它所带来的回报奇迹丰厚,并且允许……

it is fair to say that…, is a plausible and advisable option for…客观来讲,……对于……是合理且明智的选择。


in my opinion, there are three aspects to be improved so that…我认为,要改进的方面有三点,以便……

it would be better if…如果……会更好。


as…rightly/ aptly put it, "正如……恰如其分地提出……

as is maintained by …,正如……提出,..is the golden rule to stick.……是一条金科玉律。


a case in point is…一个恰当的例子是……

the recent incident happened in…proves…最近发生在……身上的一件事情证明了……

a ****** example can be drawn from…一个简单的例子就是……

according to figures/statistics /the findings/data released by an institute, …根据某机构发布的数据/研究结果,……


the epidemic of … is brought / caused both by … and by………的出现是由于……和……造成的。

one of the chief causes of… is the fact that ……的主要原因之一是……

the upsurge of … is resulted from two-fold factors ……的出现源于双重因素——…


in conclusion, it takes the ende**or of both … and … to …总之,……需要……与……的努力。

it is hence not difficult to see that …/it therefore can be said that …因此,不难看出……/因此,可以说……

from what h**e been discussed above, it can be concluded that …从以上讨论内容可归纳,……


the situation, if unchecked, will lead to …如果不加以制止,情况将走向……

if not dealt with properly, …如果处理不当,……

what may be a point of concern is …可能需要关注的是……


there are no less than three advantages in… as rendered below. 在……方面,至少有三项优点如下显示。

another reason why i advocate the attitude of…is that…我支持这种观点的另一个原因是……

what's more...而且。

last but not least, …最后但同样重要的是……

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