
发布 2023-12-03 13:50:02 阅读 3866



besides, in addition , what’s more

eg: besides , schools, parks, shops, cinemas and hospitals h**e also been set up.

2 转折:but, however (然而)

3 表示因果:so , therefore(因此),as a result(结果)

4 强调:especially (特别是), in fact(实际上), as a matter of fact(实际上)

5 表示原因:because of , thanks to (多亏), because/ as/ since

6 列举:such as , for example (例如)

7 总结(用于结束文章):in short, on the whole, in a word (总之).

8 陈述要点:first of all/ firstly(首先) ,secondly(第二) ,thirdly (第三), finally (最后)

9 表达个人观点:i think, in my opinion, from my point of view(我认为), as far as i know (据我所知), as we all know(众所周知)

10 表示目的:in order to, in order that/ so that (为了)

11 并列结构:not only ..but also, neither …nor, either …or, both…and

12 常用从句连词:although/though虽然, if 如果, even if /though即使, whenever无论何时, no matter what/when/where/who 无论。。

12 表示时间:at first , next , then , after a while, soon ,before long(不久),several minutes later, the other day, early in the morning, at last , finally ,suddenly, immediately, at once


1引用格言:as the proverb/ old saying says,”…正如那句格言所说。。

2 陈述原因:there are many reasons for it .有许多原因。

the reasons are as follows:理由如下。

that’s why…那就是为什么。。。

3 陈述观点:different people hold different views/opinions


some believe ….while others think that..


our opinions are divided into two groups .观点分为两组。


it is important/ necessary/difficulty to do sth.

5 我认为。。很难/很重要。。

i think it difficult/ important to do sth

6 我认为这是我/我们的责任:

i think it my/ our duty to do sth.

7 陈述建议:以下是我的建议。

here are my advice / suggestion.

8感叹句:how excited we were !

what an unforgettable day!

9 so…that/ such…that 如此。。。以致。

he ran so fast that nobody could catch up with him in his class.

10 too…to太。。而不能。

the sea was too cold to swim in

11 so that…/ in order that 为了。

my english teacher spoke slowly so that everybody could understand.

12 not only..but also

he was not only a famous singer but also a well-known football player.


常见关联词的类型。1 并列关系 也 也 又 又 既 又 一方面 另一方面 有的 有的 不是 而是 2 递进关系 不但 而且 不仅 还 连 也 尚且 也 何况 越 越 不但不 反而 否定句中,不但只能与 反而 搭配 3 选择关系 不是 就是 或者 或者 是 还是 要么 要么 宁可 宁愿 也不 与其 不...


女儿对关联词的运用不是很理想,我归纳了一些小学常用的关联词 小学常用关联词 关联句分为 8 种类型 1,并列关系 几个分句分别说明,描写几种事物,或者几个方面说明同一种事。又 又 一面 一面 有时 有时 一会儿 一会儿 既 又 例句 a 爸爸不抽烟,也很少喝酒。b 既会拉小提琴,又会吹笛子。2 承接...


1 并列关系 那么 那么 两种状态同时存在。又 又 两种状态同时存在。后面所接成分多是单个动词或形容词。也 也 两种状态 动作同时存在。但后面所接成分只能是动词。一面 一边 一面 一边 分别放在动词前连用,表示两个动作同时进行。一会儿 一时 一会儿 一时 表示两种临时状态交替出现。既 又 也 后一部...