
发布 2023-12-03 06:19:11 阅读 7445


environmental protection, many people believe that must be amajorisenvironmentalprotection,ifyouthinkso,youarecompletely mistaken.


i'vealwaysthoughtofenvironmentalprotectionmustbebig,but i understand now, environmental protection must start from theminor matter, see litter on the ground, can not turn a blind eye topick it up, put it in the trash. also, can not be indiscriminate felling offorest...


you are not to spit on the ground, to find the exact place canspit out, if you do this, you also do environmental performance! ifyou are able to pick up the *****, is also a kind of environmentalperformance**网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考。


therefore, the environmental protection does not say to do it!tostart fromthe minormatter, starts fromthe sideof things, so,you don't become the owner of the green heart?


今天,我看了一幅漫画,使我感慨万分。这幅漫画的内容是这样的 在一个垃圾箱旁边堆满了许多垃圾,正好被放学后走过这里的小刚和小欣看见了。小欣不由自主地把垃圾捡起来扔进垃圾箱里,恩,好臭。小欣捏着鼻子说,是谁那么缺德。扔这么多垃圾在这里。小刚就站在那里摸了摸后脑勺,他想 我得想个办法提醒人们保护环境,对了...


there are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years.one of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air,water and s...

保护环境的作文 珍爱地球保护环境

我是一滴小水珠,我和我的同伴从蔚蓝的天空坠落下来。好痛哟!我晶莹纯洁,味道甜美,人们和动物都很喜欢我们。人们常说 万物生长靠太阳,雨露滋润禾苗壮。所以我们和人类有着很密切的关系。有一天,我和妈妈走丢了,我要去找我的妈妈。于是我和伙伴们出发了。我们沿着弯弯曲曲的小溪顺流而下。两岸有郁郁葱葱,时不时闻到...