
发布 2023-12-03 03:49:10 阅读 8003

首先说明一下,倒计时天数是按照自今日起,一直到今年下半年bec考试全部结束(即11月29日中级考试结束)来计算的。今天刚好是倒记时第35天,在新闸上课碰到兔兔来看我,我带了麦当劳的咖啡,谢过啦!最近爱听oasis的the shock of the lightning,在晚上上课之前,去五角场的一兆韦德健身房做运动,跑步加骑单车,喜欢坐着很悠闲地骑单车,一边正好可以看到那些请私人教练的人,在教练的威逼利诱下做各种高难度的锻炼动作,一个个面部表情很扭曲的样子。




1. many people do not doubt that a is superior to b , while others think quite differently on the issue of __personally, i stand on the side of a .

2. some people say a , other people argue b . in a wordbut i cannot agree this point of view for many reasons.

3. there are different views concerning this topic . some people like to choose a , some prefer to choose b .

personally , i prefer b . i think b has more advantages.

4. from my point of view , it is more advisable to choose a than to choose b . 5.

despite the fact that most people prefer a , i would like to choose b because the following reasons .

6. in general , i prefer to __

7. as far as i am concerned , i would like to prefer __

8. when it comes to __most people tend to believe a . but others consider b as __

9. when asked about __the vast majority of people would support that a . but others regard b as __

10. at the risk of address the issue too direct , i prefer a because i think that __

11. when asked about __many people give their opinions that __but other people may see __differently .

12. when faced with __quite a few would claim that __but others , in contrast , deem __as __

13. when inquired about __the vast majority of people would like to __but other people , who hold an opposite view , consider __as __

14. when __is mentioned __most people believe that __but other people would rather think __as __

15. while many people may stick to me idea that __i would like to prefer __


a . agree

1. one of the greatest writers once said that __now , it still has its significant realistic value .

2. i would follow the reasoning that __

3. many people advocate that __they claim that __my opinion is the same as theirs in the following reasons .

4. i totally agree with the statement that __the reasons are presented below .

5. after pondering this question on many occasions , i finally reached the conclusion that __is something worthy to do and i cannot skip it .

6. my arguments for point are listed as follows.

7. i agree with the above statement because __

8. nowhere in the world has the issue of __been so much debated like in our society .

9. i agree with the statement that __without reservation because __10. thinking logically , i can only say that the title statement is valid because __

11. i fully support the statement above because i am very sure that __

12. some may hold the opinion that aaa . but others h**e a negative attitude .

as far as i am concerned , i agree that __

13. many one h**e the idea that aaa . however , many others disagree with this argument .

but both side of the problem whether __are supported by good reasons .

14. recently , it has been much debated over the problem of aaa . those who object to aaa announce that __but those who f**or aaa utter a sonorous voice that __

15. recently , there is vehement discussion on the issue of __those who criticize __argue that __they claim that __but people who firmly advocate __on the other hand , argue that __

16. there is a much-debated problem today about __those who object to __argue that __they are very sure about __but people who prefer __on the other hand , claim that __

b . disagree

1. until recently , was viewed as __but people are taking a fresh look at it .

2. recently , we often hear about __but is it ?

3. these days , it is often heard about __but is this really the truth ?

4. i feel such an attitude is negative , and that it can bring __

5. some people argue as if it is a general truth that __but to be frank , i cannot agree with them for the flowing reasons .

6. despite the fact that many people believe that __i doubt whether the argument can bear much analysis .

7. although some people hold the opinion that __i wonder whether the argument could bear close examination .

8. in the nationwide , discussion , many people argue that __but i can say nothing but __

9. advocates of aaa proclaim that __but i __

10. until recently , was regarded as __but __

11. some people think that __but i disagree with this opinion for numerous reasons , as presented below .

12. now , it is increasingly mentioned that __such people think __but i can only cast doubt on whether __

13. now , it is widely believed that __these people think __but i wonder if __

14. i cannot totally the idea that __because , in my point of view , i believe __

15. as a matter of fact , i support that __but i cannot agree with the title statement .

16. nowadays , it is widely held that __people of this kind think __but i doubt whether __


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1 燕子去了,有再来的时候 杨柳枯了,有再青的时候 桃花谢了,有再开的时候 2 当手指跳跃,风儿便不再悲伤 当黑白流淌,思绪便将痛苦遗忘 当旋律激扬,天地便只在我的心泉徜徉 3 那轻轻摇摆的柳絮像是你飘逸的长发 那闪闪的星星像是你明亮的眼睛 那天边的一抹红霞像是你温柔的唇 那霏霏的细雨像是女儿对妈妈...