2019英语口语8000句 Foodie美食家

发布 2023-12-03 03:29:10 阅读 7143

2013英语口语8000句:foodie 美食家yang li : so derm, what’s your f**ourite food? 圣保罗,你最喜欢吃的食物是什么?

diarmuid : hmmm, pizza. 嗯,匹萨。

yang li : nice. do you eat it often? 很不错。你经常吃吗?

diarmuid : oh, as often as possible li. 哦,我经常吃的。

yang li : but do you know how to make it, where to find the best ingredients for it, where the best place to eat it is, and the history of the dish? 但是你知道怎么做,在**能找到制作材料,**能吃到的匹萨,还有有关它的历史吗?

diarmuid : well i...no, i can’t say i know that much. 嗯,我……,不,我不是很清楚。

yang li : well, in that case, you’re not a foodie. 嗯,如果你都知道的话,你就是美食家了。

diarmuid : i suppose you’re right. a foodie, is a person who not only enjoys eating food, but is also fascinated by everything about it.


yang li : 今天的地道英语单词就 foodie,这个词用来表示一个热爱并精通食品的人——比如去哪家餐馆能吃到特色菜,还有做某道菜所需要的配料,甚至连某道菜的来历都了如指掌。

diarmuid : are you a foodie li? 李,你是美食家吗?

yang li : well i do love food—don’t we all? but i wouldn’t say i’m a foodie.

只有在一个人把食品作为一种专长的时候才可以被形容为一位美食家 a foodie. 嗯,我的确喜欢食物——我们不都喜欢吗?但是我不能说我是一个美食家。

diarmuid : listen to this person talking about food—you could say he is a foodie. 来听这个人阐述食物,你可以称他是美食家。


a: i finally booked a table at the new spanish restaurant. there’s a three-month waiting list, you know.


b: really? you h**e to wait three months? 真的吗?你等了三个月?

a: yes, but i really h**e to go there. it’s run by this amazing chef who creates wonderful organic sauces.

he used to work in a famous french restaurant, but has just opened his own place. i can’t wait. 是的,但是我不能不到那儿去。


b: well, enjoy it! 嗯,好好享受吧!

yang li : to listeners) 收音机前的听众朋友,你是不是一位美食家呢?are you a foodie? 你是个美食家?

diarmuid : or do you just love food? 还是仅仅喜欢食物?

yang li : 说到美味佳肴嘛,我们大家都喜欢,不过你是不是愿意作出额外的努力去研究菜谱?

diarmuid : you know what li? i might not be a foodie, but all this talk of food is ****** me...


yang li : hungry? 饿了吗?

diarmuid : oh yes. lunch! 哦,是的,午餐!


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