
发布 2023-10-25 02:56:56 阅读 5023

today is thursday, and the school spring sports meeting. early in the morning, i woke up, because this is the first time after i was in primary school sports meeting, and i also want to take part in the game? i am both excited and nervous.

the students in school uniform to school early. a little later, games opening ceremony began. with high national anthem, we row tidy team came to the playground.

the official start of the game, the first project is our first grade of the relay. "bang" a gunshot, athletes like arrows left blunt go out. at the other end of the runway, pick up sticks the body forward, get bonzi flew straight forward to run immediately after.

it was my turn, although i was very nervous, but still caught the stick to run smoothly to the opposite. on the field of the w**e upon w**e of chants and cheers. the athletes also one after another fast running.

in the end, our class won the relay third. next, and the second the100 meters and softball games.

how time flies, after a day of motivation, finally our class has won the first prize of the grade section, the students jumped happily. how happy games!








运动会作文 一 在一个秋高秋爽的季节,学校举行田径运动会。一大早,同学们高高兴兴地来到学校。班主任曾老师我们领到运动场边。过了一会儿,只听见广播里说 请三年级参加60米跑的同学准备。于是60米跑的同学都排好了队。拍 地一声枪响,运动员们似箭一样向前冲刺,谁都不服输。旁边的啦啦队不停地喊 加油!加油!...

小学六年级话题作文 运动会

早晨带着丝丝寒意迎面而来。在我们学校的操场上,正举行着热闹非凡的运动会。当开幕式表演结束后,开始进行比赛。操场四周闹哄哄的,像一壶开了锅的水似的。首先,是跳高的比赛。啦啦队们高声的为自己班的运动员喝彩 助威着。我们的目光被我们班正在跳高的运动员吸引住了,伴着我们的加油声,运动员们一次又一次跳过了高高...


咦,运动场上怎么那么热闹?原来是我们学校在这里举行一年一度的运动会。下面是关于快乐运动会小学六年级作文的内容,欢送阅读!好消息!好消息!特大好消息!听老师说咱们学校明天就要开运动会了!我一进教室就听见大家兴奋地欢呼声,听到这振奋人心的消息,我的心也 扑扑 地跳个不停,我要快乐死了,因为这个运动会我们...