to h**e good study habits. i come back from school every day, the first thing to do is i'll finish my homework, finish writing, carefully, carefully check, to see if there are any leakage and write wrong.
in this way, the accuracy is high. check out, i will h**e to prepare for tomorrow's class content, can you write in a book, also want to check information, read the text. class must listen earnestly, the teacher's questions to ponder earnestly, actively raise your hand to speak.
speak wrong, don't lose heart, to think again, combine the content. after class, but also review the learned knowledge to review, will be remembered.
and, at the textbook knowledge is not enough, also look at some of extra-curricular literature, reference books. there are a lot of good words, we, good, collected them, write a composition, diary when using them, make the essay more beautiful and vivid. at recess, when finishing the homework, also want to read more, the book is the ocean of knowledge, can let us know no textbook knowledge.
this is my study habits.
画像 一 老师,您坐好,我为您画张像。我在沉思应该用什么样的颜色 赤 橙 黄 绿?噢,老师,我不是画家,我不懂这些,我只是用心作画笔,用思绪作线条,用 老师,您坐好 我开始为您画了,您的头上已经出现了银丝,您的额头上已经有了皱纹,唉,老师,您太劳累了。从我进这个班以来,您每天早上总是会早早地到校对我...
生活中有许多的令人感动的事,它们像一颗颗海底的珍珠,藏在我们的心中。以下是关于感动的六年级作文,欢迎阅读。篇一 关于感动的六年级作文 在生活中,有许多令人感动的事情,在我身上,就发生过一件深深触动人心的事。有一天,我在电视上看见一个五。六岁的小男孩正聚精会神的听妈妈讲 小鸭子 的故事,可当他正听的津...
关爱 只要人人付出一点爱,世界将变成美好的人间。我以前喜欢唱这首歌,现在我更喜欢唱这首歌了,因为我感到人间处处充满真情,处处充满爱心。那是一个星期六,我和妈妈一起上街。看见前面有一个小女孩,长的很清秀,水汪汪的大眼睛,挺挺的鼻子,小小的嘴巴,穿着一件旧而发白的衣服,她低着头,双膝跪地,在她的前面放着...