tomorrow is the annual mother's day, every year the second week of may. now think of the original is so selfless mother. she always h**e given us the best of things, she would rather h**e their hard bitter child, she is in the planning for the future of children, there is such a selfless man?
mother always help when i am in trouble, always bring comfort, when i sad always selfless dedication and you planned to. if i had to use one word to describe the mother that i would say: "the selfless dedication, you planned to.
" so later in dispute with my mother must be more considerate of mom, don't let them sad.
a few times, i do not pay attention to health, only in a hurry. later, mother behind h**e been help me to tidy up, when i think of it, always very grateful to her. mom:
thank you, is your selfless feeding me, thank you!
later i wish you smooth sailing, all the best!
天地长久,万物生长不息,天地间永远存在着这样一份伟大无私的爱 母爱,它与天同长,与地同久。临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归 这种牵挂是母爱 孟母三迁,择邻而处 这份苦心是母爱 见面怜清瘦,呼儿问苦辛 这缕关怀还是母爱。中国有句古语 百善孝为先。意思是说各种美德的首位是孝敬父母。开国领袖 在接到母亲病危的家信后...
今天,是一个神圣的日子。大家还记得那些为了生我忘记生死的人吗?为了让我们可以幸福的生活去挣钱的人吗?为了让我们好好学习,放弃工作培育我们的人吗?也许你已经猜到了,是的,这些为我们付出这么多的人就是伟大的母亲们,今天就是母亲们共同拥有的节日 母亲节!今天,我一早就起来了,见妈妈还在梦香中,我便轻手轻脚...