
发布 2023-09-17 08:19:09 阅读 7610


ladies and gentlemen, i am happy tr**el guide yi ming zhang, from now on, iwill lead you to visit fengnan scenery, hope that through my explanation, le**e agood impression of fengnan. today we visit places "coal river".


the river first of all we see is called coal river, it has a long history, it is anartificial exc**ation of the river, its source is he tou, was an important port, whenjapan invaded chinese for coal. a few years ago because of coal river no onemanagement, when the coal river full of sewage and weeds.

in 20014, the government called on the people to control coal river, throughour efforts, we now see the coal river, cross-strait flowers, trees, also installed a lotof fitness equipment, a good place for recreation.


today you h**e fun? by my explanation, you is it right? h**e certainunderstanding to the coal river?

while everyone is free to see some want to see thescenery, two hours after collection here.


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