
发布 2023-09-17 07:14:09 阅读 9467

1.欢迎您再来 come again, please

2.你会说英语吧? do you speak english

3.请你帮个忙好吗? could you help me?

4.抱歉,我不知道。 i'm sorry to i don't know

5.抱歉,我们没有。 sorry, but we don't h**e

6.给你。 here you are

7.我们随便看看。 we're just looking

8.可以试穿吗? may i try it on?

9.我该付多少钱? how much do i owe you?

10.在哪儿付款? where shall i pay (for it)?

11.请到收款台付款。 pay at thecashier's ,please.

12.清结账。 the bill (check),please.

13.我想换这件商品。 i want you to exchange this.

14.我想退货。 i'd like to refund this.

15.我要求退钱。 i want money back.

16.您有收据吗? do you h**e the receipt.

17.在这里。 it's over here.

18.在三楼。 it's on the third floor.

19.这款式现在流行。 this is popular now.

20.您喜欢什么颜色? which color do you prefer?

21.我能量你的尺寸吗? may i measure your size?

22.能便宜点吗? can you come down a little?

23.请到五楼换钱。 you h**e go to the fifth floor to change your money.

24.你知道你的尺寸是多少公分吗?do you kow your size in centlmters

25.商品多样,品种齐全。 there is a great variety of goods

26.很抱歉,那是我们的规定。 we'er sorry,it'sour policy

27.对不起,我们帮不上忙。 we'er sorry,but we can't help it.

28.对不起,我们退款给您。 we'er sorry,we will refund your money.

29.对不起,我们换个新的给您。 we'er sorry,we will exchange it.

30.您付现金还是旅行支票? do you pay im cash or use tr**eller's checks?

31.给我看看那种 please show me that one.

32.能便宜点吗? can you lower the price?

33.很抱歉,依照规定这个不准打折。 we'er sorry,our policy dose not allow any reduction.

34.对不起,麻烦您稍等一会儿。 would you mind waiting for a few moments?

35.很抱歉,让您久等了。 i'm sorry to h**e kept you waiting.

36.那套衣服您穿着很合适。 that suit looks very good on you.

37.您要大号,中号还是小号? what size do you want large、medium or small?

38.很抱歉,我们没有你要的尺寸。 i'm sorry,but i don't h**e your size.

39.请稍候。 just a monment,please.

40.请再说一遍好吗? i beg your pardon?

41.乐意帮忙。 with pleasure.

42.欢迎光临本店。 welcome to our shop

43.对不起,卖完了。 sorry,it's sold out

44.我看看这个好吗? may i see that.

45.现在流行这个样式。 this is in fashion.

46.这些减价30%。 they're 30% off.

47.我得问问经理。 i 'll h**e to ask my manager.

48.可以付美元吗? may i pay in here?

49.可以用信用卡吗? do you accept credit cards?

50.付现金还是信用卡? will that be cash or charge?

51.你收旅行支票吗? do you take tr**eler's checks?

52.哪能兑换外币? where can i change my money?

53.我要兑换一些钱。 i'dlike to change my money?

54.这样可以吗? would it be all right?

55.洗手间在哪? where can i find the washroom?

54.在您左(右)边。 it'son your left (right).

55.还有别的吗? is there anything else?

56.这是最畅销的商品。 this is one of our best sellers.

57.还有别的颜色吗? do you h**e any other colours.

58.我觉得这个合适您。 i think this will suit you.

59.您愿意试穿吗? would you like to thy this on?

60.这个怎么样? how do you like it?

英语60句 常用

1 what s the size?多大尺寸?90x90 ninety by ninety 九十乘九十。2 what s the cmb?体积多大?0.07m3 zero point zero seven cube meter 0.07立方米。3 what s the best last price...


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