
发布 2023-09-12 16:36:52 阅读 5483


















i like reading books, especially fairy tales. i've beenholding "grimm's fairy tales" for a few days. the story oflittle red riding hood fascinated me deeply.

the story wasso lively and interesting that i read it again and again,and now i can recite the contents of the story.

the story tells the story of a lovely little girlcalled little red riding hood. once she went to visit hergrandmother and let a wolf watch her. the wolf got thelittle red riding hood's confidence, tricked little redriding hood into the nearby woods, and ate the little redriding hood, and ate the little red riding hood.

thanks tothe hunter, he s**ed his life and killed the wolf. onceagain later, little red riding hood to grandma's home, meta wolf again, this time little red riding hood did notdeceived, because had the first lesson, she and hergrandmother with intelligence will kill the wolf. themother said, this is called "eat a pit, long wisdom", it isto eat after a loss, want to remember, can not make thesame mistake again.

little red riding hood was deceived because it did notrealize the wolf's cunning and cruel nature. now there aresome people on the su***ce who are kind and in fact bad,"wolf in sheep's clothing"! so we must recognize thisperson when we associate with a person, and don't trustother people's words, or we will lose money.

my parents andmy teachers h**e been telling us that we should learn toprotect ourselves, so i won't be a little red hat.

later, little red cap learns to be good, after h**inghad the first experience, the second time does not repeatthe crime, also cleverly removes the evil wolf. i likelittle red riding hood. actually the same mistake i willmake little red riding hood, homework don't know what tocheck, for example, the results will do a lot of wrong, wascriticized by the teacher and my mother, then, remember tocarefully check after i finish my homework, homework isless wrong.

this makes me understand that if you know thewrong thing, you should correct it in time.

today, i read a story in the grimm's fairy tales, whichis called little red riding hood. little red riding hoodwas a br**e little girl. her grandmother was ill, and shewent to her grandmother's house to give her grandma cakesand wine.

on the way, she met a wolf. she forgot hermother's words and spoke to the strange wolf. she was toldby the big grey wolf that she was going to visit hergrandmother's family.

so the wolf came to her grandmother'shouse, ate her grandmother, and waited in the home forlittle red riding hood. when little red riding hood arrivedat grandmother's house, big gray wolf put little red ridinghood also to eat. in the end, the hunter came and killedthe wolf, and s**ed the little red riding hood andgrandmother.

the story tells me: to go out, remember to listen to mymother, otherwise, it is very dangerous to meet bad people,and we must know how to protect ourselves.


小红帽读后感50字。小红帽读后感20字。小红帽读后感50字 一 在去看外婆的路上,小红帽碰到了一只狡猾的大灰狼,还轻信了它的话,结果害的自己跟外婆都差一点丢了性命,真危险啊!小红帽读后感50字 二 今天我看了 小红帽 的故事。小红帽的外婆生病了。小红帽要去外婆家给她送蛋糕盒葡萄酒。小红帽在大路上遇见...


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