国庆节 各国国庆节的由来

发布 2023-09-12 16:35:49 阅读 9719





译文: national day material --various countries national day origin the national day is each national important holiday, but the name has differently. many countries are called "the national day" or "the national day", but also has some countries to call "the independent date" or "the independent festival", also some calling "republican date", republic date", revolutionary date", liberation date", national revival festival", constitution date" and so on, but also has directly to the country's name adds on "the date", like "the australian date", the pakistani date", some take king's birthday or ascends the base date as the national day, in case king changes, national day specific date also along with it replacement.

every time meets the national day, the various countries all must hold the different form celebration, strengthens the our country people's patriotic consciousness, the enhancement country cohesive force. between the various countries also all must mutually express the congratulation. meets five meets for ten national days, some also must expand the celebration scale.

in order to celebrate the national day, the various countries' government usually must hold a time of national day reception, by the head of state, the head of government or foreign minister acts on behalf of to manage, the invitation is stationed at the locality the various countries' diplomatic agent and other important foreign guests participates. but also has the country does not hold the reception, like us, england do not hold the reception.

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national day of the long history and goes back to ancient times. therefore, the basis for the rest of the world h**e established the national day bizarre. according to statistics, countries all over the world to establish the time of the country's national day 35.

china to the founding of the national day on october 1, 1949. occupying the capital of the day as the national day of cuba, cambodia, the czech republic and slovakia. some of the country's independence day as the national day of the country.

january 1, 1804, the haitian people annihilated the napoleonic expedition to the 60,000 troops in port-au-prince to declare independence, and thus put to the annual national day on january 1. mexico, ghana and other countries as well. some countries to the armed intifada anniversary as a national holiday.

romania, the communist party led an armed uprising to overthrow the reactionary rule of antonescu, to the anti-fascist war on august 23, 1944 as national day. france to destroy symbols of the authoritarian period for its national day. some countries h**e a great day as the national day of the meeting.

july 4, 1776 the united states adopted the "declaration of independence" mainland date for the national day. canada is july 1, 1867 the british parliament passed the "british north america act" that day as the national day. japan is the birthday of emperor hirohito of japan for the national day.

there is the head of state's birthday a national holiday, nepal, thailand, sweden, the netherlands, denmark, belgium and other countries.

2023年国庆作文 各国国庆节的由来

国庆各国国庆节的由来。以独立日为国庆节 20xx年1月1日,海地黑人歼灭了拿破仑的六万远征军,在圣多明各岛宣布独立。这是世界上第一个摆脱殖民统治和废除奴隶制的新国家,并以独立日为国庆节。墨西哥和加纳也以独立日为国庆节。以建国日为国庆节 全世界有30多个国家。我国也以20xx年10月1日建国日为国庆节...


活动名称 国庆节幼儿园活动教案 活动前言 我们新中国成立在1949年10月1号,每年的这一天我国在首都北京都有活动,最早采用的举行盛大的集会和群众游行活动纪念方式,再后来有联欢也有阅兵的形式,转眼20xx年的国庆节就快要到来了,以下就让我们了解更多相关的信息吧!活动目标 1 引导幼儿感受国庆节的气氛...


国庆一词,本指国家喜庆之事,最早见于西晋。我国封建时代 国家喜庆的大事,莫大过于帝王的登基 诞辰等,因而我国古代把皇帝即位 诞辰称为 国庆 今天称国家建立的纪念日为国庆。1949年9月的政协第一届一次会议上决定把10月1日定为国庆节。中国国歌的来历 中国国歌歌名为 义勇军进行曲 由田汉作词,聂耳作曲...