包饺子 英语作文

发布 2023-05-10 00:48:28 阅读 8367

dumplingis a traditional food wasa doctor named zhang zhongjinglegend,he used thedumplingsto helpcure the disease,wecelebrated the spring festival,everyonewill eat dumplingsto thank 's the time nowwe caneat dumplings,dumplingsin our life more and morecommon,are more and more popular,but also become atraditional foodof me tellyou how tomake dumplings.. the first stepto buy somedumpling skin,meat(such aspork,beef,mutton,craband so on),vegetables(such ascabbage,leek,carrotetc.).

the next stepto washthem,andcut them up,add some salt,mix the mixtureinto the dumplingsinto the pot,boil for ten can enjoydumplings.






包饺子作文 包饺子。第一篇 包饺子。下午,我帮奶奶帮饺子了,为了防止面粉沾到我的袖子上,妈妈帮我围上了我的小围裙,戴上了我的小袖筒,我准备工作做好了,就开始包饺子了,我拿着饺子皮,在饺子皮里放了一点点肉馅,然后把饺子皮周围用手捏紧,我的饺子包好了,我一连包了好几个,一次比一次包的好。晚饭吃着我自己包...

包饺子 英语作文

dumpling is a traditional food for the china.there was a doctor namedzhang zhongjing legend,he used the dumplings to help cure thedisease,we celebrate...

过年包饺子作文 包饺子

又要春节了 本文是一篇过年包饺子作文,范文中小作者向我们讲述了他学习包饺子等等,下面我们和作者一起来欣赏下这篇文章吧!过年包饺子作文 包饺子。我看妈妈包饺子是件很简单的事,我想那么容易的事我也会,我包完以后才知道包饺子其实很难,很不容易的。不信你往下看看我怎么样包饺子吧!妈妈买好了饺子皮和肉 韭菜等...