五年级5 8词组

发布 2023-04-15 00:20:28 阅读 7363


our parents帮助我们的父母 saturday morning在周六早上 the car擦车。

him/her/you/me/us/them帮他/她/你/我/我们/他们 breakfast做早饭 the kitchen在厨房里 the living room在客厅 the floor扫地 his bedroom在他的卧 the table擦桌子 the bed铺床 clothes洗衣服

the dishes洗盘子 the afternoon在下午 mother is busy我妈妈很忙 dinner做晚饭 fruit吃水果 tv看电视 the morning在早上 the flowers growing看花儿们生长 to the wind blowing听风声。

grapes in his garden在他的花园里种葡萄 and sweet又大又甜

can help you我们能帮你。

25. there are some pests on the grapes 葡萄上有一些害虫 your grapes吃你的葡萄

are so sweet它们真甜 ladybirds come一些瓢虫来了 away走开

unit 6

six o’clock在六点钟 home from a football game从足球赛回家

smells nice闻起来很香 you cooking meat?你正在做肉吗?

some vegetables洗蔬菜 to cook some tomato soup想要做些番茄汤

meat with potatoes做土豆炒肉 8. i can’t wait我等不及了

for some juice in the fridge在冰箱里找一些果汁

10. is there any apple juice in the fridge?在冰箱里有苹果汁吗。

some orange juice有一些橘子汁 is ready晚饭准备好了

the meat吃肉 the meat?肉怎么样? 15. it’s yummy很好吃

16. you’re a great cook你是个很棒的厨师 my soup我的汤怎么样?

18. the queen is coming through our little town公主穿过小镇来了。

19. the queen is coming wearing her golden crown公主带着她的金王冠来了

20. eat with chopsticks用筷子吃 with a knife and fork用刀叉吃

lot of pests and ladybirds in bobby’s garden许多害虫和瓢虫在bobby的花园。

comes to help bobby。sam来帮bobby

sees two ladybirds on sam’s 看到两个瓢虫在sam的手上

h**e seven spots他们有七个点

catches a ladybird from the grapes. sam 从葡萄上捉了一只瓢虫

many spots does this ladybird h**e?这个瓢虫有几个点?

has ten spots它有10个点

29. sam’s ladybirds drive the bad ladybirds and pests 的瓢虫把坏瓢虫和害虫赶跑了。

unit 7

january or february在一月或二月 2. chinese new year春节

this festival在这个节日里 get together with their families人们和家人聚在一起 people eat dumplings有些人吃饺子 may or june在五月或六月

7. there are dragon boat races in some places在一些地方有赛龙舟。

rice dumplings at this festival在这个节日吃粽子 september or october在九月或十月

10. people look at the moon at night with their families人们和家人们一起在晚上赏月

11. they eat moon cakes and fruit他们吃月饼和水果

october or november***和十一月。

13. it is a festival for old people这是老年人的节日 14. i’m happy as can be我非常开心。

mountains and eat rice cake at this festival这个节日里要爬山,吃年糕。

visit their parents and grandparents人们拜访父母和祖父母

17. on the thirty-first of october在10月31日。

up乔妆打扮 19. they knock on people’s doors and shout “trick or treat” for sweets他们敲人们的门并且大喊“不给糖就捣蛋”以此来要糖吃 20. mother’s day母亲节 21.

do you know mother’s day你知道母亲节吗?

22. it’s a day for mothers是妈妈的节日

23. it’s on the second sunday of may是五月的第二个星期天。

24. bobby likes all festivals. bobby喜欢所有的节日

25. what do people do on mother’s day?人们在母亲节做什么?

26. they give their mothers presents他们给妈妈们礼物

about the present for mum谈论母亲节礼物。

28. what should we give mum?我们应该给妈妈什么?

29. what about a card and some flowers一张贺卡和一些花怎么样? 30.

that’s a good idea好主意 31. happy mother’s day母亲节快乐 32. mum and dad come home爸爸妈妈回家了

33. is there a father’s day?有父亲节吗? 34. we love you我们爱你。

unit 8

1. when’s your birthday?你生日是什么时候?

the eleventh of may5月11日 a party at home在家开聚会 4. what do you do on your birthday?你在生日那天做什么?

a big dinner with our parents and grandparents和我的父母,祖父母吃顿大餐 some noodles吃面条 that那之后 play with kitty the cat我们和猫咪kitty玩 a great time玩的开心 to buy a birthday cake in the morning早上去买生日蛋糕。

friends come in the afternoon我的朋友们下午来 some games玩游戏

h**e a lot of fun我们很开心 works in the city他在城里工作

15. she’s tall and pretty她很高很漂亮

16. people in the west usually open their presents as soon as they receive them西方人们一收到礼物就打开来看。

17. bobby is a hero in a play. bobby在剧里是个英雄

18. 18. how can i open the door?我怎么打开门?

19. bobby sees some numbers on the door. bobby 看到了门上的一些数字

20. is this the password?这是密码吗?


一 看拼音,写词语。u zh u m np qb q b n o b o z o b yq xp b zh n l ng 二 按课文内容填空。1 只拣儿童多处行 走进玉澜堂的院落里,眼睛突然一亮,那几棵大海棠树,开满了这繁花从不留一。点空隙喷花的飞泉 2 望月 月亮出来了月光洒。江两岸。月光为它们。...


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