
发布 2023-03-25 12:09:28 阅读 3624

复习建议:搭配new组词:my new bag, my new book可以家长和宝贝比赛谁说的多。

句型套用:this is my new… 边指边说。

2. 人物类:his, her

能够区分人称代词,男用his,女用her (易混淆)

what's his/her name?

3. 动物类:bird, cat, cow, dog, fish, frog, pig, duck,chicken, goat, sheep, turtle, rabbit,horse, fish, pig, monkey ,bird, spider,tiger, lizard, crocodile, snake,复习建议:

熟悉动物叫声,剑一考试知识点,eg. 鸭子叫quack, 牛叫声moo, 狗叫声woof,鸭子叫quack,猫叫声meow, 鸟叫声tweet

区分易混淆动物类单词:goat #">【篇二】

4. 水果类:apple, banana, lemon, pineapple, grapes,watermelon, mango , coconut, kiwi fruit

pear, peach,orange, grapefruit, papaya, cherry, lime

复习建议:和颜色形状等结合,进行问答。eg. apples are red. monkeys like to eatbanana.

【拓展学习】strawberry草莓, blueberry蓝莓, blackberry黑莓, jackfruit榴莲,litchi荔枝, plum李子,apricot杏。

5. 蔬菜类:salsa, tomato, broccoli, pumpkin, potato,carrot, onion, pea, lima bean

【拓展学习】cabbage白菜,lettuce生菜,celery芹菜,eggplant茄子,green pepper青椒。

6. 物品类:clock, baseball, table, desk ,box, hat, ,yo-yo, tennis, beanbag, fan, soccer,toy, tv, mat, sofa, lamp

复习建议:游戏i spot 在家看到什么说什么。

7. 食物类:breakfast, bread, rice, egg, burger, cake,pizza, water, juice, lemonade,milk, cheese, butter, chips, donut, chocolate,yogurt

【拓展学习】dumpling饺子,noodle面条, sausage香肠,ham火腿。

8. 身体部位类:head, hair, face nose, mouth ,eye, ear,hand, arm, foot, leg, tail


游戏simon says

篇三】9. 动作类:make, touch, clap, hold ,pick , turn ,play, let, up, down, bounce, shot, kick,catch, throw, listen, sing, paint,eat, drink, share, count, mix, chop


10. 方位介词类: in, on, under, next to


11. 颜色类:colour, red, blue, white, yellow, blaack, gray, brown,pink, purple, orange, green


12. 数字类:number, one, two , three, four, five, six, seven,eight, nine, ten


13. 形容词:busy, cool, fried,14. 其他类:song, story, game, bowl,bush



i'm …/my name is …

his/ her name is…

nice to see you。

nice to see you, too.

this is my new…

put my … into my …

what's this?/that? 询问与回答,近处用this, 远处用that

-it's a …

it's my…

do you like …?

-yes, i do.

-no, i don’t.

what's your f**ourite …?

-i like …

what would you like? 你想要点什么?

-i want some…

would you like some …?你想要点…吗?

-yes, please!

-no, thank you!

what's in/on/under/next to the…?

-it's a …

i've got a …

he/ she has got…

touch your…

let's play…

i can/ can't play…

what do you do at school?你在学校做些什么?

-i …at school.

what are you doing? 你正在做什么?初步感知现在进行时态。

-i am…

what's for breakfast?

what's for drink?

do you want some…or some …?

what colour is it?


自然拼读。a, e, i , o, u, y




toy,tv,mat,sofa,lamp 复习建议 游戏i spot 在家看到什么说什么。食物类 breakfast,bread,rice,egg,burger,cake,pizza,water,juice,lemonade,milk,cheese,butter,chips,donut,chocol...


篇一 1.sports day 体育运动日。2.all the students 全体学生。3.be excited 兴奋的。4.running race 赛跑。5.take photos 拍 6.look for 寻找。7.a moment ago 刚才,片刻以前。8.just now刚才,片刻以...


动物乐园 比大小与比多少 知识点 1 比较动物谁多谁少有两种策略 一是基于数数,二是进行配对,从而体验一一对应的数学思想。2 通过比较具体数量多少的数学活动,获得对 等符号意义的理解,学会写法,并会用这些符号表示10以内的数的大小。3 体验同样多 多 少 最多 最少的含义。高矮 比高矮 比长短 知识...