
发布 2023-03-24 09:35:28 阅读 3592


u1hello . my name is liming . hi !

what is your name ? i am a boy . i am a girl .

i am a teacher . good morning ! how are you ?

i am fine . thanks . and you ?

i am sad . i am happy .

u2are you a student ? i am a student . i am a teacher .

i am chinese . i am hungry . let’s eat !

i am thirsty . let’s drink ! one two three four five six seven eight nine ten how old are you ?

i’m six . happy birthday to you !

u3i’m in class 2 . door 门 desk 桌子 chair 椅子 book 书 blackboard 黑板 i sit beside jenny . 我坐在珍妮的旁边 what’s on my desk ?

我的桌子上有什么 pencil 铅笔 ***** 纸scissors 剪刀 ruler 尺子 notebook 笔记本 schoolbag 书包 pencil case 铅笔盒 marker 马克笔 eraser 橡皮 may i use your ruler ? sure . thank you .

you are welcome . how many desks ? six .

u4who is your friend ? fengfeng is my friend . his name is li ming .

her name is jenny . blue green orange pin***色 purple 紫色 red yellow black white brown 棕色 we sing a song . we play a game .

we draw a picture . we are friends . we are happy !


u1school classroom hall 大厅 office 办公室playground 游乐场 i go to school . this is my school . time english chinese what time is it ?

it is nine . time for english class . it is twelve .

time for lunch . it is four . time to go home .

i go to school on monday , tuesday,wednesday ,thursday ,friday . i stay home on saturday and sunday . we play on the playground .

u2family father mother brother sister he is my father . she is my mother . he is tall /short .

this is my brother/sister . this is my family . i love my family .

grandpa grandma aunt 姑妈 uncle 叔叔 cousin 堂兄弟表姐妹 young old this is my grandpa/ grandma . he/she is old . i am young .

doctor businessman worker bus driver police officer what’s your father/mother ? my father/mother is a

u3living room 客厅起居室 bedroom 卧室 kitchen 厨房 bathroom 卫生间 this is my home . i watch tv in the living room . i sleep in the bedroom .

my mother cooks in the kitchen . i take a bath in the bathroom . bed computer chair toy 玩具 shapes 形状circle 圆圈 line 直线 rectangle 长方形square 方形 ******** 三角形 what shapes do you see ?

i see line/circle . the door is a rectangle . the window is a square .

i help my family at home . we read a book together . i play on the computer .

i sleep in my bed .

u4i live in china/canada . 我住在加拿大 where do you live ? home park 公园 school 学校 shop 商店 where is the park ?

it is near my home . let’s play catch . 让我们玩手球游戏 let’s go like chocolate/lollipops/

chips .巧克力棒棒糖薯片we walk together .我们一起走 we draw together.

we play together . orange 橘色 purple 紫色 the cars are yellow . what colour do you see ?

i see red ,orange and purple .


u1hello ! nice to meet you ! how are you ?

i am fine , thanks . excuse me ! i am sorry !

对不起 that is all right ! 没关系 may i h**e a cup of tea , please ? sure !

thank you ! you are welcome . i do not h**e a blue u .

eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen 十五。

u2ear 耳朵 eye 眼睛 nose 鼻子 mouth 嘴巴 this is my face/nose . 这是我的脸、鼻子 i talk/eat with my mouth . 我用嘴巴说话、吃 i see with my eyes .

我用眼睛看 i hear with my ears . 我用耳朵听 i smell with my nose . 我用鼻子闻。

u3in 在什么里面 on under marker 水彩笔 pencil 铅笔 arm 胳膊 body 身体 foot 脚 hand 手 head 头 leg 腿 chair 椅子 school 学校 sixteen 十六 seventeen 十七 eighteen 十八 nineteen 十九 twenty 二十

u4tall 高 short 矮 blouse 女衬衫 shirt 衬衣 pants 裤子 shoes 鞋 clothes 衣服 dress 连衣裙 skirt 短裙 socks 袜子 old 旧的 new 新的 what is you f**ourite colour , jenny ?

珍妮,你最喜欢什么颜色?my f**ourite colour is blue . 我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。


u1eat 吃 play 玩 washroom 洗手间 gym 体育馆 lunch 午餐 vegetables 蔬菜 fruit 水果 meat 肉 water 水 juice 橙汁 pop 汽水 nice to see you . 见到你很高兴 i see my teacher . 我看见我的老师 would you like some water ?


u2family 家庭 old 老的 young 年轻的 bed 床 dresser 衣柜 ball 球 doll 洋娃娃 kitchen 厨房 dumplings 饺子spoon 匙子 bowl 碗 cup 茶杯 make the bed 铺床 clean the bedroom 清扫卧室 put away your toys ! 把你的玩具拿走。

u3rice 米饭 soup 汤 tea 茶 f**ourite 最喜欢 garden 花园 i stay in bed . 我呆在床上 i watch tv . i visit my neighbours .

u4cold 冷 hot 热warm 温暖的 kite 风筝 park 公园 car 小汽车 bus 公共汽车 bike 自行车 we run . 我们跑 we skip together . 我们一起跳绳 we fly kites .

我们放风筝 i ride my bike . 我骑自行车。


米果教育 一年级 下册 m6 m9 英语单词练习。动物园 strong小的cute 长颈鹿help老虎 elephant 可爱的 long去go强壮的 snake长的horse 不,不是 tall大象 zoo短的small高的are t are not蛇 tiger马short帮助giraffe桌子...


一年级英语单词 句子汇集。unit 5 numbers 数字 单词。one two three four five一二三四五。a train a cara doll 一辆火车一辆汽车一个玩具娃娃。a ball a teddy bear an ice cream一个球一只泰迪熊一个冰淇淋。a jack...


单词卡片制作说明。近日,有些家长反映,孩子在家每天听读英语,两天就会读了,以后再让听读就不是很认真。还有就是孩子只是指读,不能很好的理解每一个单词的意思。就此现象,我们英语老师设计了单词卡片,帮助孩子学习 理解 记忆英语单词。家长也可用此单词卡片和孩子一起做游戏或是孩子之间自己玩。单词卡片制作流程 ...