
发布 2023-03-23 12:29:28 阅读 6702



2. 优秀作文要求:1.审题严密,结构完整。





3. 优秀作文写作步骤:1)审题构思,初步确定三段内容。







开头:hello, everyone! my name is li gang.

结尾:this is me. how about you?

can you write and tell me about yourself?

would you like to be my friend?

do you want to make friends with me?


if you want to make friends with me, you can call me at 1234567./

please send an e-mail to me. my e-mail address is

正文:my name isi’m …years old.

i like …bestmy f**orite color is … because i think….

my f**orite food is …and ….for dinner, i like …and….

in the subjects i h**e at school, i like …best. because the … teacher is….

my telephone number is 1234567.

锦上添花句式: as for sports, i like… best

in my free time, i like playing basketball. i think that’s good for my health.

the …teacher is so wise that he always makes his class interesting and lively.


开头:my father/mother is a worker. he is a __man.

锦句:i think my fathe is the greatest father in the world.

结尾:i love my father . we are a happy family. how about your father?

锦句:i love my parents. they give me so much love.

正文: my father is a __his birthday is

although he is very busy, he often plays __on weekend.

because his f**ourite sport is___he also likes

my mother is a __she was born on

she likes doing __in her free time.

she cooks well. she often cooks lots of healty food for me

亲爱的同学,你的日常生活怎么样?请以“my day”为题写一篇英语短文,向大家介绍一下你一天的生活吧。

要求:1 短文中不得出现真实的人名,校名。

2 词数:60词左右。

开头:do you want to know about my day? my name is __i’m a middle school student.

i go to school on weekdays.

结尾:it’s my day. how about your day?

锦句: what a busy day i h**e!

正文my day

today is __it’s my f**orite day. because i h**e __on

i usually get up at around six-thirty.

i brush my teeth and h**e a shower.

then iwhat a funny time to

after breakfast, i take the number __bus to school with my classmate.

i h**e classes all day. but i eat lunch at twelve o’clock in the school .

ati do my homework. at nine o’clock, i finish my classes.



hello ,everyone. my name is li gang. i am happy to be here.

i am 13 years old. i like playing basketball and volleyball. because it’s good for my health.

i often play basketball and volleyball with my friends. and i h**e lots of healthy food. i like fruit.

strawberries and oranges are my f**orite. my f**orite color is blue. if you want to make friends with me, you can call me at 123.

my parents

my father is a worker. he often goes to work at seven o’clock. his birthday is august eighth.

he likes to play basketball. he often watchs tv at home in his free. he works very hard.

i love him. my mother is a worker too. her birthday is july first.

she likes shopping and watching tv. she likes beijing opera. she cooks well.

she goes shopping with me. i love her too.

my day

well, i usually get up at around six-thirty. i brush my teeth and h**e a shower. then i eat my breakfast.

what a funny time to est breakfast! after breakfast, i take the number 10 bus to school with my classmate. i h**e classes all day.

but i eat lunch at twelve o’clock in the school . at seven o’clock,i do my homework. at nine o’clock, i finish my classes.

my mother take me home.


一. 介绍某人的房间。unit 3

开头:this is sb’s bedroom. /welcome to sb’s room./ look! this is sb’s room.

结尾:can you tell me about your room?

how about your room?

正文:you can see a 。。a 。。and a … in it.

the desk is 。。

some books are on the desk and her bag is on the desk, too.

under the bed, you can see her white shoes.

on the bed there are some clothes. her red sweater is on it.


7上写作复习。写作策略 1.优秀作文结构 使用三段式,要有开头,正文和结尾。2.优秀作文要求 1.审题严密,结构完整。2.条理清晰 段落分明 有层次。如 能够使用顺序词或连接词 3.语句无误,逻辑性强。4.句式多样,富于变化。用词精确,意义表达不牵强。5.恰当使用谚语或优美句子。3.优秀作文写作步骤...


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