
发布 2023-03-18 21:45:28 阅读 6239


窗帘 __ur__ain 衣橱 __ose__

镜子__ i __or 垃圾桶trash b__


1.在卧室里 a. under the air-conditioner

2.在冰箱后面 b. in the bedroom

3.在书桌前面 c. behind the fridge

4.在墙上d. in front of the desk

5.在空调的下面 e. on the wall

三.read and choose. (选择)(10分)

)1.what’s it like? there is __sofa.

a. a b. an

)2.what’s in your living room? there __ten end are b. is

)3.what’s in your bedroom? there is___a b. an

)4.where is the cat? it’s __the sofa.

a. front b. in front of c. in front

)5.we __a new h**e b. has


)1. a. bedroom b. air-conditioner c. bathroom

)2. a. in b. kitchen c. on

)3. a. near b. end table c. under

)4. a. study b. shelf c. sofa

)5. a. living room b. fridge c. garbage

)6. a. behind b. in front of c. room

)7. a. end table b. shelf c. over

)8. a. air-conditioner b. bed c. bathroom

)9. a. under b. living room c. kitchen

)10. a. bedroom b. phone c. living room


1. is an air-conditioner there and a bed

2. are two bedrooms there and a kitchen

3. is on the the book shelf

4. it’s table near the

5. cat is under the the sofa


1.草2.**3.桥4.水果5.茄子6.衣服7. green beans8.


星期一) (星期二) (星期三) (星期四) (星期五)(星期六)(星期日)


young) (strict) (tall) (thin) (quiet

八、read and match.(将右栏答语前的题号填在左边的括号内。10分)

) she like? a. i can make the bed.

) 2. who’s your art teacherb. quiet.

) 3. how many takes are there? c. two.

) 4. what can you dod. mr. zhang.

( )5. what’s your f**orite fruit? e. yes, i can.

) 6. can you wash the clothes? f. bananas.

) 7. what’s your mother? g. over the door.

) 8. where is the air-conditioner? h.

a doctor.九、rearrange the sentences.(连词组句。


1. can i the bed make

2. she quiet is

3. you can what do

4. pretty young and she’s

5. any fish are there river in the


) mother has air-conditioner a. a b. an

) like some for

) are oranges on the desk.

) 4. are there apples in the fridge?

) often do my homework sundays.

) are rabbits. we a new flat.

) 7. there a closet and a shelf in my room.

) 8. what do you h**e

) is a forest the nature park.

) 10. are ther bridges in your village?


hello, my friends. my name is mary. i am from america.

i am a girl. i am eleven. i am in class two, grade six.

our school is very big. i like math and english. my f**orite teacher is miss white.

she is very pretty. at home, i’m very helpful. i can clean the bedroom, sweep the floor, make the bed.

what about?

) 1. mary is 12.

) 2. mary has a big school.

) 3. mary likes math. she likes english, too.

) 4. mary is not helpful at home.

) 5. mary likes miss white.


)1、a. tasty b. sour c. thin d. salty

)2、a. bedroom b. closet c.

kitchen d. bathroom ( 3、 b. tree c.

flower d. glass( )4、a. in b.

old c. on d. under

)5、a. fish b. tofu


) your english teacher? (he like ?(do we h**e on monday ?

do you do on sunday? (do you h**e for lunch? (your f**ourite food?

tall and strongb. mr carter

c. i often do h**e chinese and english e. i like apple . they are sweet .

f. we h**e tofu and fish .

六、根据首字母填单词1. what’s your brother lhe’s tall and strong.2.

sunday is the first day of a week. mis the second day. 3.

i like apple best. apple is my f**ourite f4. it’s 12:

00 now. let’s h**e grapes are too splease giv me some sweet grapes.


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