
发布 2023-03-09 01:46:28 阅读 9621


140. speak a little chinese 璇翠竴鐐规眽璇?

141. would like + n. [i would like some noodles.]

142. would like + to do [i would like to h**e some noodles.]

143. a medium bowl of (noodles) 涓涓腑纰楋紙闈㈡潯锛?

144. some +涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇峓mutton锛?beef] 涓浜涒?

145. some+鍙暟鍚嶈瘝[strawberries, oranges] 涓浜涒?

146. what size bowl of鈥?澶氬ぇ纰椻?

147. what kind of鈥?鍝鈥?

148. at the house of dumplings鍦ㄩズ瀛愰

149. some great specials涓浜涚壒浠?

150. just rmb10 for 15 15涓粎鍗?0鍏?

151. come and get your dumplings today 杩囨潵涔颁粖澶╃殑楗哄瓙。

152. give reason for your menu 瑙i噴涓涓嬩綘鐨勮彍鍗?

153. cook chinese food 鍋氫腑鍥借彍。

154. do my/your/her/his homework 鍋氭垜鐨?浣犵殑/濂圭殑/浠栫殑浣滀笟。

155. play soccer/ tennis 韪㈣冻鐞?鎵撶綉鐞?

156. clean my room 鎵撴壂(鎴戠殑)闂?

157. go to the beaches 鍘绘捣婊?

158. over the weekend 鏁翠釜鍛ㄦ湯。

159. on saturday morning/afternoon/night 鍦ㄥ懆鍏棭涓?涓嬪崍/鏅氫笂。

160. study for the science/math test 鍥犵瀛?鏁板鑰冭瘯鑰屽涔?

161. go to the pool鍘绘父娉虫睜。

162. stay at home 鍛嗗湪瀹堕噷(=stay home, home姝ゆ椂涓哄壇璇?

163. h**e a party 涓捐鏅氫細。

164. do some reading/cleaning/washing/shopping 璇讳功/鎵撴壂/娲楄。/璐墿。

165. practice english/ guitar 缁冧範鑻辫 /鍚変粬(practice鍔犲悕璇?

166. practice doing sth. 缁冧範鍋氭煇浜?practice鍔犲姩鍚嶈瘝)

167. go to the mountains 涓婂北。

168. visit my sister 鎷滆鎴戠殑濮愬

169. spend the weekend(s) /christmas with鍜屸﹀害杩囧懆鏈?鍦h癁鑺?

170. spend+鍚嶈瘝+on+鍚嶈瘝锛泂pend+鍚嶈瘝+in+鍔ㄥ悕璇?

171. last week/month/night 涓婂懆/涓婃湀/鏄ㄦ櫄。

172. ask+浜?to do 璁╂煇浜哄幓鍋氭煇浜?

173. for most kids 瀵逛簬澶у 鏁板瀛愭潵璇?

174. a little difficult 鏈夌偣鍥伴毦。

175. h**e a busy weekend 蹇欑鐨勫懆鏈?

176. cook dinner for 缁欌﹀仛楗?

177. read a book/books about history 闃呰鏈夊叧鍘嗗彶鐨勪功绫?

178. an interesting talk show 涓娆℃湁瓒g殑婕旇

179. write a new song 鍐欓鏂版瓕。

180. go for a walk with =h**e a walk with 鍘绘暎姝?

181. everyone enjoys their weekends 浜轰汉閮藉枩娆㈠懆鏈?

182. last month 涓婁釜鏈圼涓嶅姞瀹氬啝璇峵he]

183. sit down 鍧愪笅。

184. watch +鍚嶈瘝+do 瑙傚療鈥﹀幓鍋氫粈涔?鎰熷畼鍔ㄨ瘝鐨勭壒娈婄敤娉?

185. play with 涓庘︿竴璧风帺。

186. years before=many years ago 鍑犲勾鍓?

187. it is time to +v 鍒板仛鈥︾殑鏃堕棿浜?

188. it is time for +n.鍒颁负鈥﹁屽噯澶囩殑鏃堕棿浜?

189. h**e/has no +鍚嶈瘝=didn鈥檛 h**e any+鍚嶈瘝。

190. want to do something 鎯宠鍋氭煇浜?

191. play soccer on my computer 鍦ㄧ數鑴戜笂鐜╄冻鐞?

192. h**e fun=h**e a good time=enjoy yourselves 鐜╁緱鎰夊揩。

193. yesterday afternoon/morning 鏄ㄥぉ涓嬪崍/涓婂崍。

194. be happy with 涓庘﹀湪涓璧峰緢楂樺叴。

195. need to study 闇瑕佸涔?

196. thank for doing + n. 瀵光?鍋? 鑷翠互璋㈡剰。

197. around the world 鍏ㄤ笘鐣?

198. go to new york city 鍘荤航绾?

199. go to the summer palace 鍘婚鍜屽洯。

200. central park 涓 ぎ鍏洯[缇庡浗]

201. great weather 濂藉ぉ姘擺weather涓嶅彲鏁帮紝涓嶇敤a淇 グ]

202. bus trip 姹借溅鏃呰

203. think about=think of 鑰冭檻。

204. monday, july 15 th 涓冩湀鍗佷簲鏃ワ紝鏄熸湡涓。

205. h**e fun doing 鍋氭湁瓒g殑浜嬫儏。

206. too crowded 闈炲父鎷ユ尋。

207. find sb. doing 鍙戠幇鏌愪汉鍦ㄥ仛鏌愪簨。

208. in/on(at) the corner 鍦ㄨ 璺嫄瑙掑

209. help sb. do/to do 甯姪鏌愪汉鍋氭煇浜?

210. make sb. do 璁╂煇浜哄仛鏌愪簨[make鎺ュ姩璇嶅師褰

211. feel +褰㈠ 璇峓very happy] 鎰熻鈥︹ 寰堝垢绂廬。

212. h**e money for a taxi 鏈夋墦杞︾殑閽?

213. walk back to 姝ヨ 鍥炲埌。

214. be tired of 瀵光﹀緢鍘岀儲。

215. decide to do 鍐冲畾鍋氭煇浜?

216. all morning /every morning鏁翠釜鏃╀笂/姣忓ぉ鏃╂櫒。

217. h**e鈥?for dinner 鏅氶鍚冣?

218. the great wall 闀垮煄。

219. the palace museum 鏁呭

220. tian鈥檃n men square 澶╁畨闂ㄥ箍鍦?

221. a beiging hutong 鍖椾含鑳″悓。

222. make question about瀵光︽彁闂

223. ask +浜?the questions 闂煇浜洪棶棰?

224. the best place for vacation 搴﹀亣鑳滃湴。

225. write a report on 鍐欐湁鍏斥︾殑鎶ラ亾。

226. stay here 鍛嗗湪杩欓噷。

227. go out 鍑哄幓[鎺 o鍔犲嚭鍘荤殑鍦扮偣: go out to school]

228. talk show 鑴卞彛绉。

229. soap opera 杩炵画鍓?

230. situation comedy 鎯呮櫙鍠滃墽。

231. don鈥檛/doesn鈥檛 /didn鈥檛 mind 娌″叧绯?

232. mind doing 浠嬫剰鍘诲仛鈥?

233. can鈥檛 stand +鍚嶈瘝鎵垮彈涓嶄簡。

234. can鈥檛 stand +鍔ㄥ悕璇嶆垨to do i cannot stand waiting [to wait] .

235. how about/what about 鈥︽庝箞鏍?璇㈤棶鎯呭喌)

236. in fact 瀹為檯涓?

237. a thirteen-year-old boy 涓浣嶅崄涓夊瞾鐨勭敺瀛 thirteen-year-old鐩稿綋浜庡舰瀹硅瘝]

238. healthy living 鍋ュ悍鐢熸椿。

239. english today 浠婃棩鑻辫

240. sports news 浣撹偛鏂伴椈。

241. tell it like it is 瀹炶瘽瀹炶

242. culture china 鏂囧寲涓浗。

243. chinese cooking 涓浗鐑归オ

244. animal world 鍔ㄧ墿涓栫晫。

245. agree with 鍚屾剰(鏌愪汉)

246. agree on(about) 瀵光︽剰瑙佷竴鑷?浜嬫儏)

247. by maria 鐢盡aria鎵х瑪。

248. ask sb. about 璇㈤棶鏌愪汉鍏充簬鈥?

249. each thing 姣忎竴浠朵簨鎯?

250. show sb. sth./show sth. to sb. 缁欐煇浜哄睍绀烘煇鐗?

251. some of +n.(pl.) 鈥︿腑鐨勪竴浜?

252. her best friend 濂规渶濂界殑鏈嬪弸。

253. the coolest thing 鏈閰风殑涓滆タ

254. key ring 閽ュ寵鐜?

255. in the school magazine 鍦ㄦ牎鍒婁笂。


module 失物招领箱。2.小心对待 3.从现在开始。4.匆匆忙忙。5.几百,成百上千。6.寻找。7.首先。8.尽力做某事。9.从 中挑选。0.许多。1.此时此刻。2.例如。3.有。module 乒乓球。2.与某人相处融洽。3.弹钢琴。4.怎么样。5.担心 6.新学期。7.擅长。8.放风筝。9.仅...


140.speak a little chinese 说一点汉语。141.would like n.i would like some noodles.142.would like to do i would like to h e some noodles.143.a medium bowl of...


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