
发布 2023-02-23 06:47:28 阅读 7365



出题人: 邓先柏校对:赵家政总分:150分时间:120分钟。


1. 关键词选择。(5分)

你将听到5个句子。请在每小题所给的a b c 三个选项中选出你所听到的单词或短语。每个句子读两遍。

) 1. b seven. c. three

) 2. a .545-0156 b. 545-0165 c. 454-0165

) 3. a. first name b. five years old name

) 4. a .that b. it c. this

) 5. a. notebook b. watch c. dictionary

2. 短对话理解(10分)选最佳选项。

)6 what’s that letter?

11. what is the girl’s first name?

a. lucy.

) 12. what is the girl’s phone number?

a. 686-5642. b. 686-5624. c. 697-8345.

) 13. where is kitty’s eraser?

a. in the bag. b. under the chair. c. on the desk.

) 14. what’s on the desk?

a. sam’s pencil. b. sam’s pen. c. sam’s eraser.

) 15. who is jenny?

a. sally’s friend. b. mary’s friend. c. sally’s sister.



( )16. where’s mary’s hat?

a. under the sofa. b. under the chair . the bed.

( )17. what color is mary’s hat?

a. red. b. yellow. c. purple.


( )18. what’s this in english?

a. it’s baseball. b. it’s a map. c. it’s a jacket.

( )19. what color is the jacket?

a. it’s green. b. it’s white. c. it’s red.

( )20. is this mary’s jacket?

a. yes, i am. b. yes, it is. c. no, it isn’t.

4. 听短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。短文读两遍。(5分)

) are cindy’s books ?

a. in the bookcase. the desk. c. on the chair.

)22. what color is cindy’s quilt ?

a. yellow b. red. c. green.

)23. who is bob?

a. cindy’s brother. uncle. c. cindy’s cousin.

)24. where is bob’s baseball?

a. under the chair. b. under the bed. c. on the bed.

)25. what are lost?

a. bob’s pens. b. bob’s keys. pencils.

5. 信息转换。(5分)根据短文内容,写出下面**中所缺少的单词,每空一词。短文读两遍。


一、 选择题。(15分。

) color is the orange?

a. orange. b. an orange. c. ok. d. the orange.

)32. -thank you very much

a. no thanks. b. thank you. c. not at all. d. that’s right.

)33. all the __h**e __own meanings.

a. name; its. b. names; its c. name; names; their.

)34. this is my good friend. _first name is tony.

a. she. b. her c. his d. he

)35. thanks __your photo __your family.

a. in; on b. for; of. c. with; about. d. of ; from

)36. -your english is very good

a. yes,it is. b. thank you. c. i’m sorry. d. no,it isn’t.

)37. _are good friends.

a. mike and i. b. i and mike. c. mike and me. d. me and mike

) at those __they are __

a. photoes; hers. b. photos; his. her. mine.

( )39. there is __h and __u in the word “hour”.

a. an; a. b. a; an. c. the; an d. a; the.

) 40. tom __a baseball, but he doesn’t __a baseball bat.

a. h**e; has. h**e. c. h**e; h**e. d. has; has.

( )41.--are these your cousins

a. yes, they aren’t. b. no,these aren’t. c. no, they aren’t. are.

)42. -dad, _my friend, bob. -nice to meet you.

a. he is. b. she is c. it is d. this is

( )43. my __name is nancy.

a. family b. first c. last d. middle

( )you bring __things __school __me?

a. any;for;to b. some;to;for c. any;to;from

( )45is this your dictionary?

a. i’m sorry. about c. excuse me d. you’re welcome.

二、完形填空 (30分 )

alook at this girl in the picture. she is __46_ good friend. 47

name is lily. she is___48__ she is thirteen. this is me. my__49___is li ling. i’m

a chinese girl. i am one year younger than lily. we are___50___the same class.

lily likes collecting sports things. she__51___a great sports collection. look,

these are her things. she has 10 tennis rackets,8 baseballs, 6 basketballs, 12 footballs

_52___18 volleyballs. but she __53___like sports. she __54___collecting sports

things. her brother, d**id, likes soccer. he plays _55___every day with his friends.


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