
发布 2023-02-18 15:50:28 阅读 7989








3、to (同音词4、last name (同义词组。



1、name is2、it is3、do not __

4、i am5、is not6、what is __

7、where is8、they are __


grandfather / 1

2motheruncle / 3

4brother) daughter(5daughter (6


1. my被子) is green.

2. —how are you?


3. i是) sally.

4. the ruler和) the pen are blue.

5. i’m jim令人愉快的) to meet you!

6. this is not her字典).

7. the red双肩背包) is very nice.

8. i需要) some math books.

9. i don’t知道) her name.

10. please带来) these things to your room.


)1. —hello, helen!

bob!a. yesb. hic. fine

) 2. —what’s this?

a quilt.

a. this isb. i amc. it’s

) 3.字母g的左邻右舍分别是___

a. d, eb. e, h

) 4is your pen?

it’sa. what; red b. what color; red c. what; red color

) 5. 洪子悦想给爸爸买一件大号的毛衣,他应该选择___型号的。

a. sb. lc. m


a. what’s this? b. is it a map? c. spell it, please.

) 7. what’s thisenglish?

a. inb. atc. on

) 8. it’syellow. it’syellow key.

ab. ac. /a

) 9your telephone number?

it’s 62078135.

a. what isb. what are c. how is

) 10. look! it is __id card. it’s __id card.

a. an; ib. a; myc. an; her

her name is jenny.

a. how are you? b. how is she? c. what’s her name?

) 12. —is this his watch?

— yesa. this isb. it isc. it’s

) 13. is that your pencil casethe lost and found case?

a. inb. atc. of

) 14. call tom___135***

a. inb. atc. of

) 15. howyou spell “sharpener”?

a. dob. isc. are

) 16are my parents.

a. sheb. thesec. he

) 17. emily and ifriends.

a. areb. amc. is

) 18. thanksyour family photo.

a. ofb. atc. for

) 19. 下午放学途中遇见熟人,可以说。

a. good morning. b. good afternoon. c. good evening.

) 20the erasers?

on the desk.

a. where is; it’s b. where are; they’re c. where is; they’re


this is a 1 of nick’s family. this man 2 mr green. 3 is nick’s father.

4 woman is mrs green. 5 is nick’s mother. the 6 is nick, mr green’s son.

7 girl is linda, mr green’s 8 . linda is 9 sister. nick and linda 10 brother and sister.

) 1. a. map b. book c. photo d. notebook

) 2. a. am b. isc. ared. be

) 3. a. his b. hec. herd. she

) 4. a. ab. anc. these d. this

) 5. a. his b. hec. herd. she

) 6. a. boy b. girlc. boys d. girls

) 7. a. ab. anc. thed. those

) 8. a. son b. daughter c. brother d. sister

) 9. a. nick b. nicks c. nick’s d. nicks’

) 10. a. isb. amc. bed. are




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