
发布 2023-01-25 13:23:28 阅读 1200




listening test part(听力部分)

. listen and choose. (请仔细聆听,选出你所听到的单词哦。)

.listen and tick. (听音,打“√”



abab. listen and tick or cross. (这些**和你听到的是否一致?给它们打钩或打叉。)

. listen and choose. (请仔细聆听,回答你所听到的问题,把序号写在括号里。)

. listen and write.(这段对话少了什么?请把它补充完整哦。)

welcome to our classroom. this is the . that is the

it’s . we h**e s on the . it’s o’clock.

it’s time for class. miss wu is coming. she is wearing(穿)a .

written test part(笔试部分)

. read and circle. (正确朗读以下单词,哪个划线字母的发音不同,请把它圈出来。)

. read and choose. (下面abc哪个选项是正确的?赶紧把它选出来,写在前面括号里哦。)

)1. do you h**e lunch at school?

a. this is the library. b. yes, i doc. let’s read books.

)2. is that the music room?

a. no, it’s a tv room. b. yes, it’s a tv room. c. yes, it isn’t.

)3. school is over. let’s go __

a. to bedb. to schoolc. home

)4. it’s 7:10 in the morningis ready.

a. breakfastb. lunchc. dinner

)5. it’s time __get up now.

a. forb. atc. to

)6. i like the white sweater __the green skirt.

a. withb. forc. to

) is it? it’s your___

a. brotherb. sisterc. brother’s

)8are my pants? -they are under the sofa.

a. whatb. wherec. how

. read and match. (为左边的句子找到最适合它的好朋友吧!请把他们连起来。)

. read and arrange.( 连词成句。注意大小写和标点符号。)

are how much (

they pigs (

3. warm today it is (

四年级下册期末试卷四年级下册期末试卷 答案

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