
发布 2023-01-20 03:48:28 阅读 1007











) 1. can i h**eice cream cone, please?

a. a b. the c. an

) 2. i playpiano on monday.

a. a b. /c. the

) 3. this isnose.

a. gogo’s b. gogo’s c. gogos

)4 it’sthe floor.

a. on b. in c. behind

)5gogo want an apple?

a. do b. does c. is

)6. whatyou do on sunday?

a. are b. do c. is

)7. what are they

a. do b. doing c. does

)8. he is

a. shoping b. shopiing c. shopping

)9. does hea toy car?

a. wants b. want c. wantes

)10. hea toy car.

a. wants b. want c. wantes

)11. is it behind the door

a. yes, it isn’t. b. no, it is. c. no, it isn’t.

)12. here

a. are you b. are you c. you are

)13. can i h**e a balloon? no

a. you can b. you can’t c. you cann’t

)14. what do you like

a. yes, i do. b. i like balloon. c. yes, it is.

)15. what daytoday?

a. it is b. is it c. it’s



1he口渴的 ) yes, he is.

2. can i听** )

3. what __your friends do on thursday?

打棒球 )4. my motherthe dishes every day . 洗碗 )

5. lilyvery well . 煮东西 )

6. we want洋娃娃 )

7. can i h**e some饮料 )

8you like羽毛球 ) yes, i do.



( )1. how are you?

is. you.。

( )old are you?

a. i’m lucy. morning. five。

( )3. what colour do you like??

are you? like green. mother。

( )4. how many dogs are there?


( )5. h**e you got any fish?

is. not. h**e。

( )6. how do you go to school?

don’t like it. go to school by bus. my brother’s。

( )your f**orite food?

small. dog. like it。

( )8. whose bike is it?

tom’s. red。

( )9. what's for breakfast?

on the table. red。

( )10. what do you do every day?

b. i read book. c. he is short?


1. book pencil ruler __

mother sister

pear banana __

green black __

arm leg __


horse 直升飞机鱼 carrot

mouse 大象香蕉 banana

helicopter 马热狗 fish

elephant 橘子胡萝卜 mouth

orange 老鼠嘴巴 hot dog

四.作文(自我介绍) (10分)

my name isi’myears old...i am高) .i h**e a big鼻子)and a small嘴).

there arepeople in my family. they are my father ,mother and i. they love me very much.

i like紫色).but i don’t like黄色). i like猫)。


2011年秋季学期末测试。四年级语文。内容 苏教版四上88 126页码 时限 90分钟 满分100分,其中书写2分。一 基础知识。1.看拼音,写词语。10分 g zh ng ch ng f c n ku j ng p l ji f n n o p ju n x n l i k i ju n y u ...


时间 60分钟满分 100分。一 填空。22分 1计量液体,如汽油 饮料 药水等,用 或 作单位。2 最小的自然数是 最小的奇数是 最小的偶数是 最小的质数是 最小的合数是 3 既不是质数,也不是合数。4 两条直线相交成我们说这两天直线互相垂直。5 把 改写成用 万 作单位的数是把 改写成用 亿 作...


2012 2013学年度第一学期四年级语文。期末测试卷。时间 120分钟满分 100分。一 根据拼音写词语。10分 x w ng b n p o gu n ch qi n h w n hu n w l n y n w n ji o nen y n r n zh m 二 请给下面带点字的正确读音打 6...