
发布 2023-01-18 16:08:28 阅读 2765



my home1、--where are the keys?(钥匙在哪儿they’re on the fridge. (它们在冰箱上。

)2、--open the door, please. (请打开门ok. (好的。


)5、它在你的手里吗?)-yes,(是的,它在。)dinner’s ready1、--what would you like?

(你想吃什么?)-i’d like some vegetables , please.(我想吃蔬菜)2、--whatwouldyoulikefordinner?

(晚餐你想吃什么?)-some fish and vegetables, please.(鱼和蔬菜)3、--dinner’s ready!


---thanks! (谢谢)4、--would you like some soup?(你想要汤吗?

) yes,please!(好的。)5、--wouldyoulikeaknifeandfork?

(你想要刀叉吗?)-no, thanks. i can use chopsticks.

(不,谢谢,我会用筷子。)meet my family!1、--how many people are there in my family, chen jin?

(你家有几口人,陈杰?)-three. (三口人。

)2、--isthisyouruncle?(这是你叔叔吗?)-yes, a football player.

(是的,他是位足球运动员。)3、--what’s your aunt’s job? (你婶婶做什么工作?

) she’s a nurse. (她是位**。)4、--what’syourfather’sjob?

(你爸爸是干什么工作的?) my father is a doctor. (我爸爸是个医生。

)四年级必背英语句子my bedroom1. –what’s in your bedroom? -a small deskand a new computer.

2. –what’s in your pencil-box? -there arethree pencils.


pink.4. –let’s play a game.

–ok.5. –is there a computer in my room?

-yes, there is.6.–isthereatvinmyroom?

-no,thereisn’t.7. -are there any balls beside the table?

-yes, there are.8. –are there any toys behind the desk?

-no, therearen’ house1. –welcome to my house. –thank you.

2. –please come in. –thank you.

3.–where’syourbedroom? -itis besidethe toilet.

4. –where is the kitchen? -here it is.

5. –do you live in a flat? -yes, i do.

6.–doyouwatchtvafterschool?-no,idon’ school1.

–welcome! -thank you!2.

–let me show you our new school. –ok.3.

–where is your classroom? -it’s next tothe library.3

4. –is there a swimming pool? -yes, there is.

5.–howmanyclassroomsarethereinyourschool?--our school has thirty-eight classsrooms.

6. –how many english teachers are there in yourschool? -there are thirteen.

7. –are they big or small? -they are big.

小学四年级英语句子带翻译my class1. –how many stars does your group h**e? -it haseighty stars.

2. –so group one is the winner. –great!

3. –how many subjects do you h**e?- we h**eseven subjects.

4. –what is your f**ourite subject? -my f**ouritesubject is chinese.

5. –what subject do you like best? -i like – do you like it?

-yes, i do.2. –do you buy it?

-no, i don’t.3. –how much is it?

-it’s two hundred andfifty yuan.4

4.–canihelpyou?-yes, shoes.

5.–howmucharetheblackshoes?-they’re 150 yuan.

6. –do you want anything else? -no, –what do you want to be when you grow up?

-iwant to be an english teacher.2. –i want to cook nice food for people.

3.–what’syourfather’sjob?-he’s a factory worker.

4. –what’s her job? -she is a teacher.

5. –do you want to be a teacher like your mother?- yes, i do.


一类词组 two big dogs两条大狗。2 three storybooks三本故事书3 fivebikes五辆自行车。4 six small kites六只小风筝5 seven short sweaters七件毛衫。6 nine pairs of shoes九双鞋7 what time什么时间...


yes,i can.是的,我能。1 good morning.早上好。15 what are they doing?他们正在做什么?peter s sister is reading.good afternoon.下午好。彼得的姐姐在读书。good evening.晚上好。peter is writ...


1 good morning.早上好。good afternoon.下午好。good evening.晚上好。good night.晚安。2 how are you?你好吗?熟人问候 i m fine.thank you.我很好,谢谢你。3 how do you do?你好吗?陌生人问候 how d...