
发布 2022-12-11 13:05:28 阅读 5265

8b1. change

①v. 改变如: my hometown has changed a lot. 我的家乡改变了很多。

change into 把。变成turn into

exchange v. 交换

②n. 变化 so many changes

找零 here is your change. 这是你的找零。

兑换 change these dollars into yuan 把这些美元兑换**民币

2. interview

①v. 采访 interview sb. 采访某人

②n. 访谈 an interview 一次访谈

3. know ..very well 很了解know ..a lot

4. move house 搬家 move into / out 搬进、搬出 move away 搬走。

moving adj. 感人的(修饰物) a moving movie 一部感人的电影

moved adv. 感动的(修饰人) be deeply moved 被深深地感动

5. live in someplace with sb. 和某人一起住在某地。

6. marry v. 嫁、娶、与。结婚 marry sb. 嫁给某人、娶了某人

★be / get married to sb. 与某人结婚


如:my parents h**e been married for thirty years. 我的父母已经结婚三十年了。

they got married three years ago. 他们三年前结的婚。

married(已婚) —single(单身)

marriage n. 婚姻

7. ★since

用于原因状语从句 “由于、因为;既然”

如:since everyone is here, let’s begin our meeting. 既然大家都到了,我们开会吧。

用于现在完成时 “自。起”

接时间点:如 i h**e stayed in that country since 1995.

谓v. 用现在完成时,而且须是延续性动词。

接时间段 + ago:如 they h**e lived in that house since two years ago.

谓v. 用现在完成时,而且须是延续性动词。

接时间状语从句:如 i h**e lived here since i was ten years old.

主句的谓v. 用现在完成时,而且须是延续性动词

从句的谓v. 用一般过去时,而且须是终止性动词

用于句型“it’s / it has been + 时间段 + since + 时间状语从句”中,译作“自从…以来,已经…(时间)了”。如 it’s / has been three months since he moved to this city.

主句的谓v. 用一般现在时或现在完成时

从句的谓v. 用一般过去时,而且须是终止性动词。

相关词组:“从那时起”:ever since、since then、from then on

8. take action to do sth. 采取措施做某事

9. improve 提高;改善 improve the situation 改善情况

10. it is + adj. +of / for sb. to do sth.

★of / for 区别使用

of结构与“人的性格、品质”之类的形容词连用,如:“clever, nice, foolish, kind, silly, foolish, grateful, wise, helpful, br**e ”等连用。

如:it’s very kind of you. 你真好。

for结构与“easy, hard, difficult, important, necessary, (im)possible”等连用。

如: it’s necessary for me to study english. 我学英语是非常必要的。

11. feel a bit lonely 感到有点孤独

lonely adj. 孤独的;偏僻的 feel lonely感到孤单 a lonely village 一个偏僻的村庄。

alone adv. 单独、独自 live alone 独自居住 = live by oneself 独居

a bit 有点、一点如:i feel a bit nervous. 我感觉有点紧张。

a bit of + 不可数名词 (=a little) 如:a bit of money = a little money 一点钱。

12. from time to time = at times = sometimes 有时。

13. miss

①v. 想念;错过

如:i miss you so much. 我非常想念你。

hurry up, or you will miss the bus. 快点,否则你将会错过车。

②missing adj. 失踪的、丢失的如:a missing watch a missing boy

14. h**e a good / great / wonderful / fantastic time = h**e fun = enjoy oneself (固定搭配)


15. hurry to someplace 匆忙赶去某地。

16. such as = for example 举例 take sth. for example 以某物为例。

17. excited / exciting 修饰人用ed , 修饰物用ing .

be / get / excited 变得激动 an exciting game 一场令人激动的比赛。

18. run after 追赶 run away 逃跑 run out 用完。

19. like ①v. 喜欢 like sth. /like doing sth. 喜欢某物、喜欢做某事。

②prep.(介词) 像 look like 看起来像 like that 像那样。

what’s the weather like ? 天气怎么样?

how do you like sth. ?what do you think of sth.? 你觉得。怎么样?

likely adj. 有可能的 be likely to 很有可能

20. at the top of →(反) at the bottom of 在。的顶端、底端。

at the beginning of →(反) at the end of 在。的开头、结尾。

21. thousands of people 数以千计的人 (有s无数字,有of,泛指)

three thousand people 三千人 (有数字无s,无of,确指)

22. crash against 撞击

23. as...as sb. can / could 尽某人所能。

24. be tired out 精疲力尽。

25. fall down 跌倒

26. the same...as = as...as 和。一样。

(前者接n. ,后者接adj. 或adv. 原形)

27. continue doing sth. 继续做某事。

28. pull 拉 push 推

29. towards 向 forward 向前 backward 向后。

look forward to doing 期望做某事

30. huge—tiny

31. ★否定前缀


① im 如:proper—improperpossible—impossible

polite—impolite (rude) patient—impatient

② un 如:happy—unhappy comfortable—uncomfortable

unfriendlyunlucky (unluckily = unfortunately不幸的是。

unable(不能、不会) unfairunfinished

uninteresting uncertain unimportant

③ in 如:correct—incorrect convenient—inconvenient active—inactive


④ ir 如:regular—irregular(不规律、不规则的)

⑤ dis 如:like—dislike(不喜欢appear—disappear(消失)

advantage—disadvantage(缺点) ability—disability(残疾)


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